Top 3 Reasons To Support Cruelty-Free Products

When looking at your favorite little furry friend, cat, dog, bunny, etc., can you ever imagine doing anything to harm them? Animal testing subjects familiar animals and breeds to unnecessary and inhumane torture for the sake of profits.

According to the organization Cruelty-Free International, over 115 million animals, including dogs and cats, are subject to tests and abuse in labs worldwide. The best way to protest such practices is to purchase cruelty-free products. There are at least three reasons to support cruelty-free brands.

1. Animal Testing Is Unnecessary

While many brands, including cosmetics producers, claim animal testing is necessary to prove human safety and efficacy, this is a lie. There are over 7,000 ingredients producers can choose from to formulate their products that are deemed safe. The extensive list is more than enough to create many products, but producers want to make more money.

The only reason manufacturers still favor animal testing is for financial gains. If a company can find a new chemical or compound, it can call itself innovative, regardless of the uniqueness of the discovery. Animals are often mistreated in the pursuit of chemicals and compounds that act similarly or identically to other proven and known compounds, meaning testing is abuse for profit.

Additionally, alternative testing practices, including in vitro and computer model testing, are equally effective compared to animal testing and are frequently more advantageous. Animal testing is unnecessary.

2. Animal Testing Is Cruel

Many people do not realize the extent of the cruelty animals experience during testing. The animals are often locked in inadequately sized cages. They are blinded, maimed, tortured, and killed. Their lives are nothing but suffering and fear.

Governments worldwide are beginning to recognize the mistreatment, torture, and abuse of testing, placing bans on the practice. Israel, New Zealand, Norway, India, and the EU have banned animal testing. Unfortunately, the U.S. still allows the practice.

In many laboratories, beagles are favored as test subjects because of the breed's docile nature. In 2013, 67,772 dogs and 24,221 cats were subjects of tests. As with any other laboratory animal, these domesticated species were deprived of the fundamental rights we allow our pets.

Choosing cruelty-free products is not an immediate resolution to animal testing, but it does send a message to brands that consumers are against the practice. With enough focus and pressure from consumers about cruelty-free options, businesses, politicians, and brands might take a closer look at animal testing and reassess it.

3. Cruelty-Free Is Environmentally Friendly

Many consumers want natural products, items with fewer additives and formulated compounds. Truly natural products can have less impact on the environment when produced or eventually discarded. Average cosmetic products can lead to toxic interactions with the environment when washed down the drain or discarded.

Additionally, the parabens and sulfates used in many products can be harmful to you in the long term. They can lead to increased signs of aging and other skin issues.

Cruelty-free products are better for you, the environment, and animals. The number of animals residing in labs and subjected to abuse and neglect is staggering. You can make a difference.

Do you use cruelty-free products? If not, will you start? 

7 Best Hobbies To Improve Your Mental Health

Do you recognize the signs when your mental health needs TLC? Anxiety, irritability, insomnia and depression aren't normal. They're your brain's way of saying, "I need a spa day!" One of the best things you can do is make time every week for a hobby. What are the best hobbies for mental health?

1. Singing

Music is amazing for your heart and mind. It has the power to touch your emotions. Whenever I feel depressed or sluggish, I pop in my favorite records (now they’re on a USB stick) and go wild. Singing connects you with music on a deeper level and helps you remember happy memories with loved ones. If you want to improve your technique, sign up for vocal lessons at the community college.

2. Playing a Musical Instrument

Happy or sad, when you play your instrument, you let your emotions flow in a healthy way. Learning to play a musical instrument gives you a sense of satisfaction and boosts your self-esteem. It’s also good for keeping your brain sharp. The guitar, piano, ukulele, harmonica and drums are fairly easy for adults.

3. Jamming

I really love music. It offers so many possibilities for chasing the blues away. Jamming means playing in a band with friends or family members. This hobby it exercises your memory and keeps your mind active. It's also a surefire cure for loneliness.

4. Dancing

Dance in your living room in your socks. Invite a special someone to take ballroom dancing lessons. Go to YouTube to find the latest dancing crazes and learn the steps. Every kind of dancing offers mental health benefits. 

Dancing combines exercise with music. Physical activity is a smart idea if you’re depressed because it activates feel-good hormones called endorphins. Just let go as the rhythms flow through your body. You can literally dance your worries away!

5. Gardening

Sunshine, fresh air, blue skies, green plants and beautiful flowers are a perfect recipe for getting rid of stress. They take your mind off other things and let you appreciate the little things in life. On days when the phone keeps ringing off the hook, this is my way of telling the world to leave me alone for an hour. Make yourself some refreshing iced tea with lemon ahead of time!

6. Photography

Creative activities exercise all parts of your brain: imagination, problem solving, decision making, memory and analysis skills. Your brain’s neural pathways keep growing and adapting. Photography is an excellent way to put your creativity to good use.

To take the mental health benefits to the next level, go for a hike with your camera. Hiking in nature, and stopping to snap pictures of beautiful scenes, can break up repetitive negative thoughts and replace them with positive emotions. By the time you get back home, I guarantee you’ll have a big smile.

7. Cooking Classes

One of my favorite hobbies is inviting a few friends over to my house for girls’ night and paying for a cooking class in my kitchen. We drink a little wine, learn to cook some exotic food together and feel way happier afterward. YouTube is a cheap substitute when you want to learn a new recipe, eat delicious comfort food and show off for friends.

Hobbies are good for your physical brain and your emotional wellbeing. They protect your mental health and lower stress. And when you're happier, it benefits your entire body, from your immune system to your blood pressure!

What Is A Jade Roller And Do They Actually Work?

Have you ever seen someone roll a green, elongated roller across their face and wondered what in the world they were doing? I have! So I decided to look up the practice and discovered that the person was using a jade roller. This is one of the newer beauty trends circulating, and my first reaction was to laugh at it.

But then I remembered that I used to laugh at micro-needling too, until I found out it’s an effective way to improve skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and improve acne scars. Now I utilize this skin treatment every month or so to improve the appearance of my skin.

So I decided to look more into jade rollers and how they work. Here’s what I found out about the surprising skin benefits of this weird-looking beauty tool.

What a Jade Roller Is and Its Purported Benefits

A jade roller is a hand-held device that’s made with a jade (stone) roller that’s usually elongated in shape. The jade roller is cold and hard and is intended to roll gently across the face. Jade has roots in ancient Eastern and Chinese civilizations, when the people believed the stone itself had healing properties. Modern jade-rolling isn’t based on the idea that the stone itself can heal (which is why you sometimes see rose quartz rollers instead of jade). Instead, the idea behind jade rolling is to use certain massage rolling techniques to improve the skin.

The claimed benefits of jade rolling include:

  • Reduction of inflammation and puffiness

  • Improved lymphatic drainage

  • Boosted blood circulation to the skin

These benefits may in turn lead to improved skin tightness and overall health. But to get maximum benefits from this product, it’s important to use it correctly.

How To Use a Jade Roller

Simply rolling a jade roller randomly on your face probably won’t give you the benefits you want. Instead, you need to follow a pattern of rolling to improve lymph node drainage and reduce inflammation. Here’s a step-by-step guide for using a jade roller the right way.

  1. Consider cooling your jade roller in the refrigerator overnight to get maximum anti-inflammatory benefits from its use.

  2. Cleanse your face first. You don’t want to use your jade roller on a dirty face (gross!)

  3. Moisturize with a gentle hydrating moisturizer.

  4. Place the larger end of your jade roller on your chin, then gently roll it towards your ear across your jawline. Repeat this process in the same spot up to six times.

  5. Move the larger end of your jade roller up from your jaw to your lower cheek and roll gently towards your ear. Roll in the same spot up to six times.

  6. Next, move the large roller to the middle of your forehead. Pressing gently, roll toward the side of your head, repeating six times before moving to the other side of the forehead.

  7. Flip the roller over and use the smaller end to very carefully roll from the inner corner of the undereye to the outer corner. Repeat up to 10 times then follow the same pattern on the other undereye.

  8. Repeat the undereye process with the brows.

Follow these steps regularly to get the best results from your jade roller sessions. You’ll probably notice that not only will your skin start to look less puffy, but you’ll also look forward to how relaxed you feel after each jade rolling session. To see your progress over time, you may want to take a photo before you start jade rolling, then take another photo after you’ve used a jade roller for a few weeks. You may be surprised by the results!

5 Of The Biggest Coffee Myths Debunked!

For a long time, coffee was a guilty pleasure. Now, you can raise your head proudly and tell the whole world that you love coffee! Don't let these five coffee myths stop you from enjoying a cup of dark and delicious java.

Myth: Coffee Dehydrates You

Drinking more water is always a good thing, but your morning cup of joe isn’t responsible for dehydration. Coffee is a mild diuretic, which can make you go to the bathroom more, but the effect is so slight that it doesn’t make a noticeable difference. In case you were wondering, the water in coffee does count toward your goal of 2 liters of water per day.

Myth: Coffee Isn’t Healthy for You

Coffee is rich in antioxidants, nutrients that help protect your body. Many people get more antioxidants from their daily dose of coffee than from fruits and veggies!

All of these antioxidants can add up to major health benefits. People who drink coffee regularly have a far lower risk of many diseases:

  • Heart disease
  • Liver problems
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Plus, caffeine from coffee can increase your metabolism and help you burn more fat from exercise. Coffee can improve your energy level, alertness, memory and mood!

That said, you can have too much of a good thing. Excess caffeine can raise your blood pressure. How much is OK? Stick with two to five cups a day and you’ll be fine.

Myth: Dark Roast Has More Caffeine Than Light Roast

Dark roast coffee has a stronger flavor, so it must be higher in caffeine, right? Wrong. Actually, light roasts usually have a bit more caffeine ounce for ounce because the beans are smaller.

Myth: Coffee Is Addictive

Some people have given up drinking coffee because family members say the person is “addicted.” Honestly, this one gets me upset. Comparing coffee to other addictive substances is a real stretch of the imagination. There’s no reason to feel guilty for liking coffee (or dark chocolate or other perfectly natural foods with caffeine).

Why the whole “addicted” shtick? Caffeine is a stimulant, so it can technically produce a tiny amount of physical dependence. If you stop drinking coffee abruptly, you may get a headache or have trouble concentrating for a few days. That’s it.

On the other hand, addiction to alcohol or opioids requires professional rehabilitation and has life-threatening health risks. There’s just no point of comparison between those things and a harmless cup of coffee.

Myth: The Freezer Is the Best Place To Store Coffee

You bought a few bags of your favorite coffee beans from a store you only visit every few months. You want to keep that oh-so-irresistible aroma smelling fresh. Where should you store the beans? Not in your freezer!

For the freshest coffee, keep those magical beans in a cool, dry place. Your freezer may be cool, but it’s not dry. Freezers have a lot of moisture. They can strip your coffee of its delightful freshness and ruin its flavor with weird smells.

The best place to keep coffee beans is in an airtight container in your cupboard. Give each bag its own container and enjoy rich, intense flavors for months!

10 Ways To Keep Your Spirits Up During The Quarantine

I’m not going to tell you to smile and act like the world isn’t completely crazy right now. Pretending that everything is perfect won’t make you feel better, but there are things you can do to keep your spirits up. So, here are 10 REALISTIC tips that have helped me enjoy some sunshine within my little plastic bubble:

1. Peel Yourself Away From the News

Constantly bombarding yourself with bad news isn’t the best way to stay happy. I finally decided to limit myself to two “news nights” a week. Doing crossword puzzles makes me happier than doomsday scenarios.

2. Set Reasonable Goals

Setting specific goals every morning is a big help in staying positive. After reaching each goal, you’ll feel like you scaled Mount Everest (my laundry pile looks that way some days). Now I feel like a wonderful wife and mother again. I recommend keeping goals small (like washing laundry) so you don’t get stressed.

3. Cut Yourself Some Slack

Don’t expect perfection of yourself right now. You’re a human being, remember? Humans have emotions and fear is one of them. Just do the best you can. Your kids aren’t going to starve because you accidentally burned the chicken.

4. Forget About Things You Can’t Control

Recognize that you can’t do anything about what’s going on across town, let alone halfway across the country. What you can do is keep yourself healthy. Do your best to take care of your family and let the rest slide.

5. Focus on Giving

Helping other people makes you happy and brings purpose to life. You don’t have to do something huge. A beautiful note or phone call can make a major difference for friends and family. Every time you bring sunshine to a loved one, you should feel proud.

6. Smell the Roses

You may not be able to literally smell roses through a cloth mask, but there are good things to celebrate. Notice little things around you every day. You may love favorite melodies, certain foods (mine’s Greek yogurt), old photographs, love letters or the way fluffy carpet feels on bare feet.

7. Spend Time on Things That Mean Something

Watching TV all day was fun for a week. Now it just makes me feel like a pajama-covered bowl of Jell-O. Recently, I’ve discovered how awesome checking things off my to-do list is. You’re looking at the proud owner of a cute home office (formerly guest bedroom/box storage area).

8. Eat Three Meals a Day

Get up at the same time every morning and EAT BREAKFAST. This helps your body and mind to enjoy a semblance of routine. As creatures of habit, humans feel way better emotionally when life has structure.

9. Try Cooking New Recipes

Take advantage of a freer schedule to dust off great cookbooks and make recipes you haven’t tried before. A delicious menu with fresh fruit and veggies, proteins rich in Omega-3 and mood-enhancing spices such as ginger is just what the doctor ordered.

10. Connect With One Person a Day

With everyone sharing humorous videos constantly, feeling pressured to respond to messages instantly can stress instead of help. Instead, call or text one person a day. Laugh together, cry and really talk. That’s what friends are about.

Don't forget how important healthy nutrition is right now. Eating right increases levels of serotonin and dopamine — your brain’s happiness hormones. Salmon, poultry, spinach, eggs, milk and nuts are natural depression-fighting superfoods.

Are You Eating Enough Calories?

Culture seems to be diet-centric anymore. A new dietary claim is made almost every month or so, and countless people jump aboard the rumor train toward unknown health benefits or problems. 

For decades, the idea of counting calories appeared to be rational — calories in, calories out, right? While calorie-restricted diets can be safe when monitored, ensuring participants are getting appropriate nutrients through food choices, people can often get carried away with the level of restriction.

1,200 calories are the bare minimum for calorie intake, which is for female resting metabolic requirements. Dipping below this number is rarely advised, and when it is, it is with the strict supervision of a medical or dietary professional.

More often than not, diets of 1,200 calories are referred to as unsustainable. The benefits of such restrictive dieting often result in less than optimal results for those trying to lose weight, especially as it can motivate a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting.

When beginning a diet, especially a calorie-focused diet, it is crucial to understand the warning signs of under-eating. You should correct course and reevaluate your calorie intake to avoid any recurring issues.

Irritability and Lethargy are Only the Beginning

You have likely heard the term “hangry” before, meaning hungry and angry. There is a legitimate psychological component to eating and food. People often associate food with joy, relationships, and other pleasurable events and feelings. By taking those foods away, your brain can react negatively, causing a rise in cortisol and other hormones contributing to irritability or testiness.

Beyond feeling on edge all the time, you need to remember that calories are the body’s primary source of energy for tissues and functions. If you are eating the bare minimum, your body will need to prioritize what systems access energy and how much. The restrictions result in feeling tired, with many tasks seeming more challenging and less appealing, even those tasks you enjoy.

Unfortunately, irritability and lethargy are only the beginning of your troubles if you continue to eat too few calories. Eating less can also lead to sleep and digestive problems.

Restful Nights Might Become a Thing of the Past

Blood sugar levels depend on a balanced diet. Eating fewer calories than necessary can prevent the liver from producing enough glycogen during sleep to stabilize blood sugar levels. 

When the liver doesn’t produce enough glycogen, the body must use gluconeogenesis to produce glucose. The process is possible only by releasing cortisol and adrenaline, and with enough of these hormones in your body, you might find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep during the night.

Digestive Problems Can Become a Permanent Diet Companion

A common symptom of consuming too few calories is persistent constipation. The problem often results from not consuming enough fiber. Fiber is essential to keep the digestive system moving along.

Dehydration is also a possibility of constipation. If the body does not have enough water in its system, it can not perform digestive tasks effectively, regardless of fiber levels. Unfortunately, many people struggle to differentiate between hunger and thirst, often confusing one for the other.

Consume Enough Calories Without Starving Yourself

Do not assume 1,200 calories is suitable for you. Talk to your doctor about calorie intake; they can offer a professional opinion based on gender, age, weight, and current health. Additionally, most fitness and nutrition experts agree that cutting your present daily calories by 200 to 300 calories per day combined with 30 minutes of exercise is enough to start a weight loss journey.

How many calories are healthy for you?

3 Reasons to Return To Using Dry Soap

Dry soap is the traditional shower soap. It comes in bar form and helps dissolve dirt on your skin's surface, allowing you to rinse it away. Still, people have migrated toward liquid soaps in recent years. Is that the best choice?

Reasons To Choose Dry Soap Over Liquid Soap

There are many reasons to choose a body wash or liquid soap for your shower time. For example, liquid soaps are often better for dry skin or gentler for sensitive skin types and conditions. However, despite the advantages of liquid soaps over dry soaps in specific situations, dry soap or bar soap, as it is more commonly referred to, also has benefits over liquid varieties.

1. Bar Soap Is Better for the Environment

Bar soaps create less waste than liquid soaps in production and distribution. Manufacturers typically package bar soap in an eco-friendly, recyclable container. Other than the box, there is no additional waste.

Not only do liquid soaps come in plastic containers, which are worse for the environment, but the soaps may also contain harmful ingredients. Some body washes use microbeads, which have a negative impact on the environment. The problem is so significant that some governments ban the ingredients completely.

2. Bar Soap Contains Fewer Ingredients and Allergens

While some bar soaps can contain many ingredients, most will have fewer than liquid soaps. Liquid options often require preservatives to make them shelf stable, but bar soaps do not, meaning they are usually paraben-free. Also, it is easier for manufacturers to make dry soaps with herbal or all-natural ingredients, meaning soaps can be hypoallergenic.

3. Bar Soap Is Antibacterial

Many people fear bar soaps might contain more harmful bacteria than other soaps because they sit out. Despite the concerns, many studies prove that bar soap presents a limited risk of bacterial contamination. However, experts still recommend people not share their dry soap with anyone else, including members of their household.

Focus On Ingredients

Regardless of the soap you choose for bathing, you should review the ingredients. While all soaps must adhere to regulatory guidelines, there are some ingredients that are OK for soap-making that you might still want to avoid. Also, there are ingredients you want to see on the label of whatever soap you buy.

Good Ingredients

There are several ingredients a quality soap should contain. Glycerin, a plant-based cleanser, helps moisturize your skin by sealing moisture into the skin barrier; it accomplishes this without stripping away natural oils.

Exfoliants are also necessary because they help remove dead skin cells and debris. Some quality exfoliants include oatmeal, black walnut shells, ground apricot pits, etc.

Finally, moisturizing oils are crucial to dry soap production. The most popular oils include coconut oil and sweet almond oil. Coconut butter and shea butter are also excellent moisturizing options.

Bad Ingredients

Avoid soaps with powerful antibacterial agents in them. The FDA banned Triclosan in 2016 because of adverse effects. However, if you buy imported soaps, they may still contain the antibacterial agent.

Soaps may also contain parabens and allergens. Parabens may contribute to specific health conditions. If a soap contains a "fragrance" or "perfume," be leery, especially if you have allergies.

Ultimately, the soap you use is a personal choice. However, dry soap, or bar soap, is an eco-friendly option.

What You Should Know About Topical Products vs Supplements

I don’t know about you, but I love supplements. I eat a pretty healthy diet, but I still find that supplementing with specific nutrients can help boost my energy levels and immune function. But one thing that’s always been confusing to me is why there are so many different supplement forms (including tablets, gel caps, powders, liquids, topical creams and gels, and even injections).

There are some products I take (such as hyaluronic acid and vitamins) that come in both topical and supplement forms. I wanted to know if one of these options is better than the other, so I decided to do some research. Here’s what I found out about the difference between topical products and internal supplements.

Topical Product Overview

Some topical products claim to provide the same benefits internal supplements provide. If you don’t like to swallow pills or you dislike the taste of common supplements, it may sound appealing to simply slather nutrients onto your skin and enjoy the same benefits. But do topical products really work as well as consumable supplements?

The answer is a bit complicated. It’s true that the products you apply topically can penetrate your skin. That’s why it’s so important to avoid lotions and creams that contain harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde and phthalates. As long as the lotion or cream you’re applying is thing enough to penetrate your skin barrier, it will get into your body.

So it stands to reason that the nutrients in topical supplements will also be able to make their way into your body. The problem is that any formula you apply to your skin needs to be within a certain pH range to avoid causing skin flushing and irritation. If any product you apply has a pH much higher or lower than pH6, you’ll likely experience some type of unwanted skin reaction.

Benefits of Topical Products

In addition to being easier to use than capsules or pills that you have to swallow or powders and liquids you have to taste, topical products have another benefit. They can help you avoid certain side effects associated with consumable nutritional supplements.

For example, people with sensitive stomachs often struggle to take vitamins because they can cause feelings of nausea. For some people, nausea caused by supplements can be so severe that they end up throwing up their supplements (which defeats the purpose of taking them in the first place!) Topical products are not associated with this side effect.

Overview of Traditional Supplements

Traditional supplements have provided people with great results for years. They come in capsule, tablet, powder and liquid forms. In general, the softer the form, the more bioavailable it is for your body. This just means that your body can absorb the nutrients in powders and liquids more quickly and easily than it can absorb the nutrients in capsules and tablets. Your stomach acid has to dissolve the outer portion of capsules and tablets before your body can utilize the goodies inside.

Benefits of Traditional Supplements

Traditional supplements can offer a lot of benefits to your body. Your body breaks them down in your digestive tract and pulls out the nutrients it needs. This is the same way your body extracts nutrients from the foods you eat. It’s a natural process that is quite remarkable when you think about it.

Generally, nourishing your body from the inside out is the ideal way to do things. But if you have sensitivities to internal supplements or if you want to use supplements that improve your skin, topical products may work better for you. I personally prefer internal supplements for most things, but I encourage you to try both types to find out what works best for you!

Macchiato Versus Latte: Which Drink Is Healthier?

When discussing the differences in espresso-based coffee beverages, it is essential to understand the problem of viewing those differences through an American lens. Most American coffee shops will have interpretations of standard espresso-based drinks. Still, when you look at popular chains, such as Starbucks, there is little difference between a macchiato and a latte. However, there should be a significant difference between these two drinks, and there is a noticeable one when visiting coffee shops in Rome or Venice. 

Therefore, to help compare the differences between a macchiato and a latte, it is crucial to examine the drinks from an aficionado's perspective. It is necessary to look at the drinks by definition and benefits.

What Is a Macchiato?

A macchiato is an espresso-based drink. What sets it apart from other coffee beverages is that it uses only a little milk or milk foam. In traditional shops, a macchiato will only consist of two ingredients: a shot of espresso and a splash of steamed milk. 

Because the drink only uses a little milk, it tends to have a more robust flavor than other milk-based espresso drinks. Additionally, because the beverage only has two ingredients, customers tend to get a smaller portion, typically 1 1/4 oz. 

Nutritional Information 

The size of the drink and its minimal use of milk play a substantial role in the beverage's caloric content and other nutritional factors. The minimal use of milk results in fewer calories than other espresso-based drinks, making it a healthier option for those who do not like black coffee.


Depending on the size of your macchiato, the drink might have around 80 mg or more of caffeine. As most American portions are larger than traditional servings, a macchiato might have as many as 120 mg.


Macchiato has several potential benefits. While most coffee drinkers will know that regular coffee has several health benefits, they can underestimate the advantages of this espresso-based drink. Some of these benefits include: 

  • Blood pressure control 
  • Increased or improved concentration 
  • Improved energy and feelings of wellness 

However, as beneficial as a macchiato can be in moderation, drinking too much can lead to problems. It is necessary to find a balance, so you do not overindulge.

What Is a Latte?

The common term for a latte is a Caffe latte or translated as a milk coffee. The drink calls for topping espresso with steamed milk, followed by foamed or frothed milk. It is a creamier concoction. 

Because of the construction of a latte, coffee shops can offer several varieties of the drink, such as caramel or chocolate. Additionally, baristas can use dairy or vegan milk, like almond or oat.  


By design, a latte contains more calories than a macchiato. The amount of milk used in the drink creates a larger beverage and contributes to its caloric heft. In comparison, a macchiato is a healthier choice.


While some lattes can contain as few as 80 mg of caffeine, most have around 120 mg because of their size. Essentially, the caffeine content relates to size and ingredients.


As with every coffee beverage, a latte offers some benefits. For those interested, a latte can: 

  • Prevent diabetes 
  • Reduce risks of cardiovascular disorders 
  • Improve skin health

Which Drink Is Healthier?

A macchiato has fewer calories and typically less caffeine than a traditional latte. However, because of the variations and sizes offered at coffee shops, it is possible caffeine levels might be equivalent. Still, a macchiato is the healthier choice in terms of calorie content. 

Which coffee drink is your drink of choice? 

Coconut: The Benefits and Why You Should Eat More

The product of the coconut palm tree, the coconut, is a tasty and nutritious fruit. You can find coconut in various forms in grocery stores, including:

  • Water 
  • Milk 
  • Meat 
  • Oil

While native to Southeast Asia, the coconut tree is naturally widespread, and its fruit is globally sourced. From the plant's flavor to its increasing culinary uses, coconut is becoming a global dietary sensation. However, dieters only recently began to appreciate the fruit for its various benefits.

Nutritional Advantages of Coconut 

Coconut is not like other fruits. Many fruits are high in carbs and low in fat, but coconut is the opposite. Additionally, the hard-shelled fruit contains protein, minerals, and B vitamins. Some of the minerals of value found in coconuts include:

  • Manganese 
  • Copper 
  • Iron

The minerals found in coconuts are vital to bone health and metabolism. Specifically, the mineral manganese helps in the digestion of cholesterol, carbohydrates, and proteins. Also, copper and iron help produce selenium and red blood cells.

Finally, the fat in coconuts is healthier than other fats. The type of fat is a form of medium-chain triglycerides. MCTs provide a rapid form of energy that is absorbed and converted directly from the small intestine. More research is necessary to understand the specific benefits of MCTs.

Surprising Benefits of Coconut

Besides the nutritional advantages of coconut, there are other benefits to consider. Coconut oil is one of the most versatile substances, with uses as skin moisturizers and hair conditioners. Still, the fruit itself has three interesting benefits that are often overlooked.

1. Antioxidants

While many benefits of coconut are hypothetical, one thing is true: coconuts contain powerful antioxidants. Coconut meat can protect cells against oxidative stress because it contains phenolic compounds, specifically:

  • Caffeic acid 
  • Gallic acid 
  • P-coumaric acid 
  • Salicylic acid 

The specific antioxidants in coconut are polyphenol antioxidants. Coconut antioxidants can protect against cellular damage and chronic disease.

2. Blood Sugar Control

Because coconuts are high in fat and fiber and low in carbohydrates, the fruit may help control blood sugar levels. The high fiber content of coconut meat can slow digestion and possibly improve insulin levels, which can help people manage blood sugar levels. However, not all reports are as praising, with some research suggesting coconut fat can increase long-term insulin resistance. Essentially, more research is needed to understand how coconut and its products can help with blood sugar control.

3. Antibacterial Properties

Some research indicates that coconut oil can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria. For example, one study showed that when coconut oil was added to test tubes with Staphylococcus aureus, the oil slowed or eliminated further bacterial growth. Several similar studies seem to perpetuate the idea of coconut oil as an antibacterial agent, but more research is necessary for proof of concept for human use.

How To Incorporate More Coconut Into Your Diet 

Incorporating more coconut into your diet need not be difficult. Several easy ways to incorporate the beneficial fruit include:

  • Shredded coconut  
  • Coconut flour 
  • Flaked or shaved coconut 
  • Coconut oil

Coconut is a healthy and often underrated fruit. The combination of healthy fat, fiber, and low carbs makes it an incredible addition to any diet. Still, before incorporating new foods into your diet or making significant changes, you should consult your primary care physician.