How To Curb Salad Gas: The Ultimate Guide On How To Eliminate Gas And Improve Digestion

For many people, salad seems to cause bloating, pain, and flatulence. The adverse symptoms of eating a healthy meal or snack are often enough to turn people away, especially if those symptoms lead to embarrassment.

Talking to many fitness and nutritional experts, their consensus is that salad or lettuce alone should not lead to gas; instead, they suggest it is the other raw vegetables and proteins you choose. However, despite the way you dress your salad, all experts agree that you can use tactics to eliminate gas and improve digestion.

How Does a Meal Cause Gas?

The type of food you consume can play a role in the amount or frequency of gas and bloating you experience. Most people will find their systems are sensitive to overly processed foods and other unhealthy meal options. However, even healthy foods, like salad and other fibrous foods, can cause discomfort and flatulence.

Primarily, the buildup of gas occurs in the intestinal tract. As food moves from your stomach and through the intestine, good bacteria within the system attempt to break down elements to make passing stool easier. These bacteria are also processing food to convert and retain energy and nutritional value from what you have eaten. The more complicated something is to digest, the harder these bacteria have to work. Unfortunately, the harder they work, the more gas they produce in the intestines, and the more gas they produce, the more bloated and uncomfortable you will feel until you can relieve that pressure in unflattering or sometimes embarrassing ways.

Why Do You Get Gas After Eating Vegetables?

People are often dumbfounded that salad and vegetables can lead to gas and bloating; after all, these food items are supposed to be healthy for you. While vegetables are healthy, they are also some of the most fibrous foods you can consume, meaning they can be incredibly challenging for good bacteria to break down. The level of difficulty only becomes more complicated if your gut microbiome is out of balance. 

Dysbiosis is the imbalance of your guts microbiome, specifically where bad bacteria outnumber the good. In such circumstances, the good bacteria are working overtime to process food in the digestive tract, meaning they are producing more gas than necessary. If you are experiencing dysbiosis, consuming probiotics and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet should help curb some of your salad gas issues.

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What You Can Do To Prevent Gas and Improve Digestion

Preventing salad gas comes from a combination of tactics: hydration, chewing, posture, and probiotics. People often underestimate the power of a glass of water. Most adults are dehydrated. Your digestive system requires lubrication to expel waste successfully. The average person needs to drink approximately half their body weight in ounces to maintain healthy lubrication levels, especially for the digestion of fibrous vegetables and foods.

Most people also take bites that are too large, failing to chew enough. The larger chunks of food cannot break down all the way in the stomach, resulting in more work for the good bacteria in the intestines and a greater likelihood of gas. Additionally, people in a rush tend to stand or move while eating, which can interrupt proper digestion.

Finally, providing your body with enough good bacteria can lessen the likelihood of gas and bloat. Foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, and lacto-fermented pickles are excellent sources of good bacteria.

If you are still having trouble with excess gas and bloat, you might want to talk with your doctor or a nutritionist to identify food sensitivities. Do you have any suggestions? Leave a comment below, and keep the conversation going.

The 3 Best and Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

Have you ever had someone tell you “don’t drink your calories”? I know I have. It can get a little annoying because I like to enjoy my beverages without judgment. But I did decide to see what all the commotion is about and check out the nutrition and calorie content in some of my favorite drinks. What I discovered surprised me, so I decided to share my knowledge with you.

If you’re trying to lose weight, some drinks can derail your progress (or at least slow it down significantly). But other drinks can actually help you reach your weight loss goals! The key is being able to differentiate between them. Now that I’ve got your undivided attention, here are the three best and the three worst drinks for weight loss.

DO Drink These!

Ready for the list of top beverages that can help you reach your weight loss goals? Here you go!

1. Water

Before you get disappointed by the first beverage on the list, I promise you that water doesn’t have to be bland. I have a few great tips for making plain old H2O much more appealing. They include:

  • Pour your water into a fun, brightly-colored bottle (yes, this really can make it more fun to drink!)

  • Drink your water with ice to help you feel refreshed and hydrated.

  • Put slices of lemons, cucumbers, strawberries, and any other type of favorite fruit into your water. This lends a subtle flavor to the beverage and looks pretty, too!

  • Squeeze some water-flavoring products into your water bottle each day.

Water has zero calories and it hydrates your body, so it deserves its spot as the #1 best drink for weight loss.

2. Green Tea

Green tea is practically bursting with antioxidants and other nutrients. It’s also been shown in studies to decrease both body fat and body weight. Those are both causes we can stand behind! In addition to antioxidants, green tea also contains caffeine, which helps boost energy and exercise performance.

3. Ginger Tea

Did you know ginger tea can potentially reduce your appetite while helping you expend more calories? According to one study involving 10 overweight men, ginger tea consumption increases satiety and decreases hunger.  

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DON’T Drink These!

Now that you know what drinks are great choices for losing a few extra pounds, let’s talk about the three worst drinks for your weight loss journey.

1. Soda

You can’t say you’re particularly surprised about this one, can you? Soda has no redeeming qualities, and it can actually harm your health in the long run. Every time you choose to indulge in soda (whether it’s a regular or sugar-free variety), you’re pumping your body full of artificial flavorings and colorings. Soda is also acidic, which can negatively impact your gut microbiome and make it more difficult for you to lose weight.

2. Energy Drinks

While some caffeine has been shown to aid in weight loss, too much caffeine can stress your body and cause a wide variety of health problems (such as nausea, nervousness, and increased blood pressure). When you’re not feeling good, you’re less likely to exercise and take care of your body. So it’s best to consume caffeine in moderation (400 mg or less is ideal for most people).

3. Specialty Coffees

A simple cup of coffee won’t derail your weight loss goals. In fact, it may help you reach them. But stay away from specialty coffees! A 12-ounce cafe mocha, though delicious, contains nearly 300 calories! Compare that to a simple cup of black coffee, which contains just three calories.

How did you do with the above lists? Do you drink primarily the beverages in the “DON’T drink” category or the “DO drink” category? The great news is that you can change your habits today to optimize your weight loss journey by indulging in drinks that can help you reach your goal.

7 Signs You NEED Iron

Have you been pumping iron? I’m not talking about lifting weights or working on rock-hard abs, though those are great goals, too. Iron is an essential mineral for health, making sure cells receive plenty of oxygen.

So, has your heart has been pumping enough iron lately? These seven warning signs may mean that your body is running low.

1. Feeling Out of Breath

Do simple activities like walking up a flight of stairs leave you gasping for breath? I know what you’re thinking – “Yes, I’m probably out of shape.” Actually, that may not be the reason at all. Running out of breath constantly can actually be a sign you’re not getting enough iron.

Your body uses iron to make hemoglobin, and hemoglobin is essential for producing red blood cells. In turn, red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to every muscle in the body.

If you don’t have enough iron, this cycle falls apart. Your lungs have to work much harder, which is why going for a short walk leaves you gasping for breath.

2. Feeling Tired or Sleepy All the Time

It’s normal to feel tired after a long day at the office, but people who are low in iron feel tired all day long. I’ve had this happen to me before; just getting out of my desk chair to refill my coffee cup feels like a monumental achievement. Sure enough, when I start taking an iron supplement, the tiredness goes away.

This all has to do with oxygen. Your body needs oxygen as fuel for everything. So, when levels drop because of anemia (iron deficiency), the effect is like a car running out of gas. The engine just sputters.

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3. Waking Up With Zero Energy

The lower your iron levels are, the more you notice a drop in energy. In fact, you may wake up feeling exhausted even before you get out bed. Your arms and legs feel like they weigh a ton. You have to push yourself to do the smallest tasks. And, to top it off, you probably feel irritable or depressed, too. All of these things can be caused by anemia.

4. Getting Frequent Headaches

Women notice this symptom more than men. Low iron levels can cause sore or swollen blood vessels, which triggers recurring headaches in some people. Having a headache every once in a while is normal, but if you’re suddenly getting them a lot, try upping your iron intake to see if it helps.

5. Feeling Dizzy Many Times in the Day

Have you been feeling strangely dizzy or lightheaded? There are many causes of dizziness, including side effects from medicine, but if it happens a lot, anemia is a likely culprit. When you don’t have enough hemoglobin, your brain doesn’t get sufficient oxygen, which can cause you to feel lightheaded.

6. Seeing Pale Skin in the Mirror

This is a surprisingly effective way to check for iron deficiency. Iron and hemoglobin are what give blood a deep red color. Normally, the inside of your eyelids, your gums and your lips should be bright red. When you’re low in iron, these areas may look pale instead of healthy.

7. Losing Your Beautiful Hair and Nails

When hair follicles aren’t getting enough oxygen, the strands become dry and fragile. Hair looks dull instead of vibrant. The same thing happens to fingernails; your prized nails may break easily. Fortunately, increasing your iron intake can help with both of these problems.

Tips for Getting More Iron

Obviously, the easiest way to boost your iron levels if you're low is to take a supplement. You can also add nutritious foods to your diet every week. Oysters, beef, chicken, turkey, tuna and salmon are rich sources. If you prefer vegan options, focus on spinach, lentils, beans and pumpkin seeds. 

Beat the Summer Heat With Thirst-Quenching Refreshment Recipes

Staying hydrated when the temperature climbs requires a multi-layered approach. In addition to drinking plenty of water, try to choose foods that help replenish lost fluids. These are my personal favorite recipes for the hottest days of summer when I truly want to put the "refresh" in refreshment!

Watermelon Caprese

This spin on the classic Caprese salad swaps the tomatoes for watermelon, which contains about a half cup of water in every 1-cup serving.

  • Slice a small watermelon into approximately 3-inch by 3-inch squares, each about a half inch thick. 
  • Slice a ball of fresh mozzarella cheese into half-inch-thick slices.
  • Layer alternate slices of cheese and watermelon on a plate.
  • Top the salad with sea salt and ground pepper to taste, along with 2 T chopped fresh basil.
  • Drizzle the plate with balsamic glaze.

If you don't feel like chopping and assembling a salad, simply eat this melon by the wedge to take advantage of the 92% water content. 

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Simple Cucumber Salad

This perfect lunch or side dish takes seconds to prepare and provides an incredible hydration boost thanks to the nearly 97% water content of cucumber.

  • Thinly slice about 1 lb. seedless cucumbers.
  • Toss cucumbers with about 1 1/2 tsp. sugar and 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt. Let sit for five minutes.
  • Add 1/2 of a small onion, sliced thin, and 2 1/2 T red wine vinegar.

Refrigerate this dish for 10 minutes before serving (or devouring on your own!)

Celery Soup

While we rarely allow celery to shine, it's an outstanding choice for enhanced hydration.

  • Chop a head of celery, a large potato and a medium onion.
  • Combine these veggies with 1/2 stick unsalted butter in a saucepan over medium heat.
  • Add sea salt to taste and cook for about 10 minutes or until onions soften. 
  • Add 3 cups of low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth and 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill.
  • Puree soup with an immersion blender or in a traditional blender.
  • Strain soup and top with olive oil if desired.

You can serve this unique soup either hot or chilled.

Strawberry and Tomato Panzanella Salad

Both strawberries and tomatoes are simply bursting with hydration, especially when you pick up fresh local summer produce. 

  • Tear two thick slices of rustic bread into bite-size pieces while preheating the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Toss the bread with 1 tablespoon of olive oil on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons each of red wine vinegar and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste along with 3 cups chopped strawberries, 2 large chopped tomatoes and 1/4 cup thin slices of red onion.
  • Toss the salad and let sit for 10 minutes. Add the bread and garnish with 1/2 cup chopped basil and crumbled feta if desired. Serve immediately at room temperature.

This salad is a delicious showcase for seasonal flavors. 

Sauteed Garlic Mushrooms

Did you know mushrooms are full of moisture? Try this simple dish as a light lunch or companion to your go-to main dish.

  • Wash and slice 1 lb. of your favorite mushrooms. If you're new to fungi, we like creminis for this recipe, but any white or brown mushroom will do.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons each of butter and olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat.
  • Toss the sliced mushrooms with 1 tablespoon soy sauce and add them to the pan.
  • Cook on one side for four to five minutes without stirring.
  • Stir in 1/4 cup white wine or veggie broth along with fresh herbs like thyme and garlic.
  • Cook for another three to four minutes.

With these healthy recipes, your body will have the necessary hydration for all your warm-weather adventures. 

Farmers’ Market Recipes To Make You Salivate

Eating healthy seems always to be a goal, and with more and more farmers' markets popping up all over the country, there is no better time to get your health on and support your community. A common problem when shopping at the markets is overbuying because everything looks so colorful and delicious. Thankfully, the best way to ensure you don’t waste all that valuable food is to hunker down and do some healthy meal planning. To help you out, check out some of these favorite meal options from places like Taste of Home.

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1. Blueberry Dijon Chicken

Do not let first impressions scare you away. Many people might not think blueberries and chicken sound appetizing, but the combination makes for a truly mouthwatering experience. To make this delectable dish, you will only need about 30 minutes and the following ingredients:

  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breast (6 oz. per)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and pepper
  • 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/3 cup raspberry vinegar
  • 1/2 cup blueberry preserves
  • Minced fresh tarragon or basil

You can check out the directions for the recipe here. Additionally, if you want to make the most of your shopping spree, serve a fresh salad with dinner.

2. Farmers Market Enchiladas

Are you in the mood for something spicy and healthy? Give these healthy Farmers Market Enchiladas a try. A great vegetarian option, this dish has is a powerhouse. If you’re interested in having it for dinner tonight, you will need to set aside a little over an hour, 20-minute prep and 45 minutes of bake time. The ingredients include:

  • 3 medium zucchini
  • 1 poblano pepper
  • 8 ounces cherry tomatoes
  • 8 ounces fresh mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 cup feta cheese
  • 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1 can enchilada sauce
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 cup minced cilantro
  • 14 corn tortillas

If you’re interested in this recipe, check out the directions here. Additionally, consider purchasing some homemade tortilla chips and salsa to make it a meal.

3. Cherry-Almond Streusel Tart

With dinner options out of the way, why not set your talents on something sweet. The cherry-almond streusel tart is a crunchy and savory treat your family will love. The beauty is you can make this delicious dessert in under an hour — 20-minute prep and 30-minute bake. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 9-inch pastry for single-crust pie
  • 4 cups fresh pitted tart cherries
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • Dash of salt
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cold butter
  • 1 tablespoon slivered almonds
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup quick-cooking oats

If this recipe sounds delicious, which it is, check out the directions here. This dessert will be an all-star in your house.

If these recipes sound like winners to you, you can check out more farmers' market options here. The summer is one of the best times of the year for making meals with fresh ingredients. Don’t limit yourself to only dinner and dessert. Keep an eye out for breakfast and lunch recipes too.

Do you know of any other farmers’ market recipes for summertime cooking? Leave a comment below and start a conversation. Have you ever tried any of the above recipes? If so, leave a comment or review below.

The Importance of Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods

People label all unhealthy food as processed food, but it is essential to remember there are degrees of processing. For example, minimal processing helps remove inedible food parts while cleaning and preserving the nutritional content. Whole grain pasta and flours are excellent examples of healthy options that are minimally processed. 

The foods people consider unhealthy and avoidable are ultra-processed; this does not include canned fruits and vegetables with added sugar and salt; however, these are not minimally processed either, and there are healthier alternatives. Ultra-processed foods require multiple steps and the inclusion of ingredients with unrecognizable names.

Ultra-processed foods often include preservatives, artificial flavoring and coloring, and emulsifiers to create a more appealing look and texture. Think of chips, soda, luncheon meats, frozen meals, and other packed snacks and baked goods. 

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The Problem With Ultra-Processed Foods and Drinks

Ultra-processed foods destroy the structure of the whole food. As a result, manufacturers and producers introduce ingredients that do not naturally exist in food. Instead, the chemicals and products are introduced to preserve edibility and increase shelf-life, ultimately improving corporate profitability.

When people talk about a food matrix, they discuss the natural structure of a food, including its vitamins and other nutrients. A producer destroys the original matrix and recreates a new structure more suitable to corporate and consumer interest by altering the food. Unfortunately, you can never get back the original nutritional integrity of the whole food.

Therefore, whole food will always be more nutritious than overly-processed food. For example, a person will receive more significant benefits from consuming high-fiber real food than a fiber supplement.

The Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods

Like those found at fast-food chains and in snack food aisles, processed foods present significant health risks. Several studies have linked the regular consumption of ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, vascular disease and stroke, and cancer. Other research suggests consuming a diet of primarily ultra-processed food results in shorter life expectancy.

Experts guess the reasoning is tied to the ingredients in these foods and the lack of nutritional value. In addition, chemical, artificial ingredients, and preservatives can affect the metabolism and the body's ability to digest and process foods.

The Solution for Positive Change

The body needs vitamins and minerals to survive and thrive. The best resource for these nutrients is through the consumption of whole and minimally processed foods. So while everyone likely has a favorite party snack or sugary indulgence, the objective should be to eliminate as many unhealthy foods as possible.

Elimination might be too strong a word because everyone needs flexibility. Restricting yourself too quickly from foods you love can be counterproductive. While a transition to a healthier diet is crucial, especially if you live on heavily processed foods, a gradual transition is more respondent to sustainable change.

Many foods require some level of processing. Your goal should be to consume more whole foods and foods that require minimal processing. The nutrition label is often the giveaway because ultra-processed foods will have multiple ingredients that sound more like chemicals than food. Changing your diet can help reduce the odds of future health complications.

How do you feel about processed foods, and have you recently cut any out of your life? Share your comment and story below.

Is This Fish Oil Really Helping My Joints?

I never used to have problems with my joints, but that’s changed in a big way as I’ve grown older. In an effort to help my joints feel better, I’ve been taking fish oil supplements every day. It seems like I’ve always known that fish oil was good for joints in some way, but the other day I caught myself thinking, “Is this stuff really helping?”

I realized that I didn’t know much about fish oil at all, and my lack of knowledge started to make my confidence in the product wane. So I decided to do some research and find out exactly what it is about fish oil that can supposedly make my joints feel better. Here’s what I found out.

There’s Nothing “Fishy” About Fish Oil

Despite my worries that fish oil is just a great big fish tale, I discovered some impressive things about it during my research. I found out that the secret to fish oil’s ability to help aching joints lies within its content of omega-3 fatty acids. Though the name isn’t super appealing, omega-3 fatty acids are pretty powerful for joint health. Here’s how they work.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil contain high levels of these two fatty acids in particular:

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

According to research, both of these fatty acids are effective at lowering inflammation. It’s their inflammation-curbing properties that make these fatty acids so valuable for people with joint conditions. Many conditions that cause joint pain are due to excess inflammation within the joints.

According to one study (published in the British Journal of Nutrition), DHA and EPA from marine sources (such as fish oil) provide help with the following:

  • Joint pain and swelling
  • The use of joint-related pain medication
  • Morning joint stiffness

These are all benefits I can stand behind! So I’ll continue my daily habit of taking fish oil pills so they can go to work reducing inflammation in my joints.

How Fish Oil Reduces Inflammation

I’m a naturally curious soul, so it wasn’t enough for me to learn that DHA and EPA can reduce inflammation. I wanted to know how they do it. So I decided to dive into the topic a lot more. Here’s what I discovered.

EPA and DHA work in tandem to lower inflammatory molecules in the body (such as C-reactive protein and tumour necrosis factor alpha). They’re a little bit like The Wonder Twins when it comes to protecting our bodies from the negative effects of systemic inflammation.

DHA seems to be more effective at reducing multiple pro-inflammatory proteins, while EPA seems to target primarily one type. But EPA does have the added benefit of boosting immune function regulation. So when you’re looking for a fish oil supplement, look for one that contains both of these important components. Like the old song goes, “some things just go better together and probably always will.”

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What To Look for in a Fish Oil Supplement

As with any nutritional or dietary supplement, fish oil supplements are not all created equal. Here are a few things to look for in a quality supplement:

  • Make sure the supplement you choose contains both EPA and DHA.
  • Look for good purity and authenticity standards.
  • Always check the date on the bottle and don’t use it after the printed date (fish oil goes rancid over time).
  • Look for free fatty acids (FFA), phospholipids (PLs) and triglycerides, and reformed triglycerides (TG and rTG) instead of ethyl esters (EE).

Keeping these things in mind when shopping will help you select a quality fish oil supplement that will give your joints (and your body in general) maximum anti-inflammatory benefits.

Ranking Salad Dressings From Most Healthy to Least Healthy

There's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy a variety of salad dressings. These days, you have a lot of options for giving salads a kick of flavor. What are the best healthy salad dressings?

The Healthiest Salad Dressings

These are my favorite dressings, and they won't add to your waistline:

  1. Vinaigrette: These dressings are full of flavor and focus on a few simple ingredients. What I love is the endless variety. You can go for balsamic vinegar, orange juice, apple cider vinegar, red wine vinegar — even strawberries! And with basil, cilantro and other herbs, all I can say is “yum.”
  2. Green Goddess: It’s easy to find green goddess dressing made with a base of Greek yogurt. This gives you the creaminess you crave without the fat. Along with probiotics from the yogurt, you’re getting lots of vitamins from olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and green onions.
  3. Greek or Mediterranean Dressings: Think creamy Italian dressing, minus the cream. Many Greek dressings use avocado oil and extra-virgin olive oil for thickness. Both of these oils give you lots of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins.
  4. Sesame Ginger: My kids love Asian-style dressings, and I think they spice up meals at home. Look for real garlic, ginger and rice wine vinegar in the ingredients, and try to keep sugar down with nut butter.
  5. Honey Dijon: Both Dijon mustard and honey make dressings thicker and smoother naturally. If you’re adding a salad to a meat-and-potatoes meal, try this dressing. The reason it's near the bottom is that you have to keep an eye on sugar and calories with store-bought versions.

The Least Healthy Salad Dressings

Basically, anything with the word “creamy” in its name is going to shock you into falling backwards when you look at the fat content and calories. This includes blue cheese, Caesar dressing, thousand island, French and (sigh) everyone’s favorite ranch dressing.

Now the good news. You can find reasonably healthy alternatives to each. Some replace mayo with avocado oil, coconut milk or Greek yogurt. Others go big on flavor from high-quality ingredients (like more blue cheese) to reduce the amount of other ingredients. Herbs and spices such as chipotle, jalapenos, basil, dill, parsley and chives add a boost of flavor all by themselves.

The Benefits of Homemade Salad Dressings

Homemade dressings offer a lot of benefits:

  • You control salt and sugar levels
  • Non-refined, natural oils give you more heart benefits than many store-bought dressings
  • Fresh ingredients provide more vitamins and minerals
  • Homemade dressings offer more flavor with less fat
  • Dressing you make at home doesn’t have any preservatives

That said, as a mom, it’s not always easy to find the time. Don't feel guilty if organic from the store is the best you can do.

A Sensible View of Dressings

I like to take a balanced view of mom-hood and weight loss. Focusing too strictly on every calorie can make healthy eating a chore. Isn’t encouraging your family to eat more salad a good thing?

It keeps you and your kids munching on fresh ingredients: romaine lettuce, arugula, alfalfa sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, yellow peppers and avocados. That's WAY better kids begging for pizza every night because they're tired of plain vinaigrette with every salad.

More salad + healthy dressing options = more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate and more! That’s a win in my book. So, don't punish yourself if you buy (gasp!) the tiniest bottle of (double gasp!) Ranch dressing sometimes.

5 Reasons Why Fiber Is So Important

I like to think I know the basics of good health. But periodically, I learn some new health fact that catches me by surprise. The importance of fiber is one of those health facts I didn’t really grasp until recently. Sure, I’ve always known fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, but I didn’t realize just how necessary it is for optimal health and digestive function. Here are five reasons why fiber is so important for all of us to consume regularly.

1. Helps Control Blood Sugar

If you struggle to keep your blood sugar under control, eating fiber may help. It’s especially helpful for people with diabetes to consume sufficient soluble fiber to slow down their body’s absorption of sugar. For those of us who don’t have diabetes, eating insoluble fiber may help us avoid developing it.

2. Promotes Normal Bowel Movements

Nobody likes to talk about their bowel movements (unless you’re my over-sharing Aunt Kathy), but how often you go is really important. The consistency of your poop is also really important. If it’s consistently runny, adding some fiber to your diet can give it a little bulk so you’re more regular and can pass your stools more easily.

Whew. Now that we got that topic over with, let’s move on to the next reason why fiber’s so important!

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3. May Decrease the Likelihood of Hemorrhoids

OK, so going from bowel movements to hemorrhoids isn’t exactly a step up. But it’s important to talk about how fiber can potentially help us avoid developing hemorrhoids. That reason alone is good enough for me to increase my daily intake of fiber!

In addition to decreasing your likelihood of getting hemorrhoids, studies show that a high-fiber diet may also lower your risk of developing colorectal cancer. Research is still being done to understand exactly how fiber helps prevent colorectal cancer, but it’s thought that it has something to do with how fiber ferments in the colon.

4. Assists With Healthy Weight Maintenance

It’s generally easy to put weight on, but difficult to take it off (unless you’re someone who can’t seem to gain weight no matter how hard you try). When you’re trying to let go of a few extra pounds, you probably think about exercising, cutting out sugary foods and drinks, and eating healthier. But if you’re neglecting to eat sufficient fiber, you could be making your weight-loss journey more difficult than it needs to be.

High-fiber foods are typically more filling than foods with little to no fiber. That means the more high-fiber foods you eat, the easier it will be for you to manage your appetite and keep your weight in check. Additionally, foods high in fiber typically require more chewing, which means you’re expending more calories to eat them.

5. Reduces the Risk of Some Diseases

One of the most surprising things I have learned about fiber is that it may reduce your risk of developing some diseases. According to studies, there is a link between increased dietary fiber intake and reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. So if you have a family history of cancer, make sure you add fiber to your daily healthy eating plan!

Though fiber has a lot of great benefits, it’s possible to eat too much of it. If you feel like your fiber intake is clogging you up and messing with your regularity, it may be time to cut back a little bit. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men aged 50 or younger consume 38 grams of fiber daily. Women aged 50 0r younger should aim to consume 25 grams of fiber per day.

Some good sources of fiber include vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruits, whole-grain products and legumes. Figure out how to incorporate these foods into your daily meals and you’ll start reaping the benefits of a high-fiber diet.

The 5 Healthiest Meal Prep Delivery Services

Food that comes in a package and that is delivered straight to your door via UPS, FedEx, USPS or another postal delivery service cannot be healthy, right? While it seems too good to be true, some meal prep delivery services actually help consumers eat better than if they were to do the grocery shopping on their own. However, the keyword here is “some.”

Like anything in life, not all meal prep delivery services are created equal. A handful standout for their use of wholesome, healthy ingredients, and for their recipes that are as healthy as they are tasty. Check them out below.

Green Chef

As the first meal-kit delivery company to become USDA-Certified Organic, Green Chef is a highly sought-after service for anyone who is interested in leading a more sustainable and responsible lifestyle. More than 90% of the service’s ingredients are organic and, to up its eco-friendly rating, its packaging is made from mostly compostable, recyclable and reusable materials.

Green Chef caters to various dietary preferences, including paleo, plant-based and keto. While you will have to pay more for meals that cater to more complex diets, Green Chef is relatively cheap, starting at just $10.99 per meal.

Fresh N’ Lean

Fresh N’ Lean is a meal-kit delivery service that caters to the meat-eaters of the world. Starting at $75 per week, the subscriptions are a bit steep, but you get a lot of bang for your buck. Each meal is customizable for various dietary preferences, including low-carb, paleo, Keto and even vegan, but you can count on each meal to contain ample amounts of protein. Unlike many meal delivery services, which cater more to convenience than they do health, Fresh N’ Leans ingredients are always fresh, never frozen.

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Fresh Direct

Founded back in 2002, Fresh Direct has had nearly two decades to hone its offerings to appeal to a wide variety of taste and dietary preferences. When ordering, you can narrow down your weekly options based on the cook time, list of ingredients and kit type to find meals that are best suited for your lifestyle. The meals are creative and full of flavor and, most importantly, contain nothing but quality, gourmet ingredients. Meal kits start at $13.


As a certified organic handler that uses organic ingredients whenever possible and that delivers meals only approved by an in-house dietician, Sunbasket is an increasingly popular option for busy individuals who want whole, nutrient-dense meals in little time. Though Sunbasket has traditional kits with ingredients customers prep and assemble themselves, some of their most popular offerings are their microwaveable meals. These meals come fully prepared and ready to cook in bamboo containers meaning, with this service, you can eat in as little as six minutes.

You can also order breakfast and lunch through the service. Meals start at $10.99.

Urban Remedy

Urban Remedy’s motto is “food is healing.” As such, its selling point is that each of its ingredients was chosen specifically for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Though the offerings are limited to just eight meals, the brand claims that all eight meals contain immune-boosting, inflammation-fighting ingredients. The service also offers individual drinks, protein bars and smoothies. Meal plans start at $117 a week.

Despite what the past has led many people to believe, convenient food does not have to mean unhealthy food. Each of the above five meal kit delivery services is a testament to that.