Macchiato Versus Latte: Which Drink Is Healthier?

When discussing the differences in espresso-based coffee beverages, it is essential to understand the problem of viewing those differences through an American lens. Most American coffee shops will have interpretations of standard espresso-based drinks. Still, when you look at popular chains, such as Starbucks, there is little difference between a macchiato and a latte. However, there should be a significant difference between these two drinks, and there is a noticeable one when visiting coffee shops in Rome or Venice. 

Therefore, to help compare the differences between a macchiato and a latte, it is crucial to examine the drinks from an aficionado's perspective. It is necessary to look at the drinks by definition and benefits.

What Is a Macchiato?

A macchiato is an espresso-based drink. What sets it apart from other coffee beverages is that it uses only a little milk or milk foam. In traditional shops, a macchiato will only consist of two ingredients: a shot of espresso and a splash of steamed milk. 

Because the drink only uses a little milk, it tends to have a more robust flavor than other milk-based espresso drinks. Additionally, because the beverage only has two ingredients, customers tend to get a smaller portion, typically 1 1/4 oz. 

Nutritional Information 

The size of the drink and its minimal use of milk play a substantial role in the beverage's caloric content and other nutritional factors. The minimal use of milk results in fewer calories than other espresso-based drinks, making it a healthier option for those who do not like black coffee.


Depending on the size of your macchiato, the drink might have around 80 mg or more of caffeine. As most American portions are larger than traditional servings, a macchiato might have as many as 120 mg.


Macchiato has several potential benefits. While most coffee drinkers will know that regular coffee has several health benefits, they can underestimate the advantages of this espresso-based drink. Some of these benefits include: 

  • Blood pressure control 
  • Increased or improved concentration 
  • Improved energy and feelings of wellness 

However, as beneficial as a macchiato can be in moderation, drinking too much can lead to problems. It is necessary to find a balance, so you do not overindulge.

What Is a Latte?

The common term for a latte is a Caffe latte or translated as a milk coffee. The drink calls for topping espresso with steamed milk, followed by foamed or frothed milk. It is a creamier concoction. 

Because of the construction of a latte, coffee shops can offer several varieties of the drink, such as caramel or chocolate. Additionally, baristas can use dairy or vegan milk, like almond or oat.  


By design, a latte contains more calories than a macchiato. The amount of milk used in the drink creates a larger beverage and contributes to its caloric heft. In comparison, a macchiato is a healthier choice.


While some lattes can contain as few as 80 mg of caffeine, most have around 120 mg because of their size. Essentially, the caffeine content relates to size and ingredients.


As with every coffee beverage, a latte offers some benefits. For those interested, a latte can: 

  • Prevent diabetes 
  • Reduce risks of cardiovascular disorders 
  • Improve skin health

Which Drink Is Healthier?

A macchiato has fewer calories and typically less caffeine than a traditional latte. However, because of the variations and sizes offered at coffee shops, it is possible caffeine levels might be equivalent. Still, a macchiato is the healthier choice in terms of calorie content. 

Which coffee drink is your drink of choice? 

Eat Dark Chocolate To Boost Memory and Improve Mental Health

Does anyone really need an excuse to eat more chocolate? It is among the most cherished sweet treats known to all humankind. However, if prescribing chocolate as an anti-inflammatory and anti-aging superfood means that the world can indulge in the melted goodness of chocolate, so be it.

While it might sound like a bunch of hype and half-concocted excuses, there are several studies that address the legitimacy of chocolate consumption and some fairly staggering health benefits. For example, when you consume the right kind of chocolate routinely, you can experience cardiovascular health, reduced stress, and improved cognitive function. The remainder of this blog will dissect the reasons for chocolate's seemingly magical abilities and dive deeper into the treat's relationship with the brain.

Reason for Health Benefits From Chocolate

The health benefits of chocolate come from the cacao seeds that make up part of the candy's recipe. To experience the most benefit from chocolate consumption, you should look for bars labeled 70% cacao. The beneficial compounds found in cacao are called phytochemicals.

The phytochemicals in cacao consist mainly of polyphenols and methylxanthines, which can be further broken down into flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, and theobromine. All of these chemicals and compounds contribute to the therapeutic effects, including:

  • Antioxidant intake
  • Blood vessel dilation
  • Reduction of insulin resistance
  • Regulation of body weight controlling genes
  • Inhibition of cancer growth
  • Prevention of blood clots
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Protection of nerve cells
  • Increased blood flow to the brain

Chocolate and Cognitive Function

The accumulation of flavonoids in the hippocampus, the learning and memory area of the brain, corresponds with an increase in blood flow, production of neurons, and the improved function of existing neurons. The flavonoids also protect neurons from free radicals and enhance neural connections.

A study in the medical journal, Hypertension, suggests the daily consumption of a chocolate beverage high in flavonoids is beneficial for elderly patients experiencing mild cognitive impairment. Other studies imply a single dose of dark chocolate can improve memory performance and cognitive function in healthy adults.

Chocolate and Mood

The compounds found in chocolate, specifically flavonoids and methylxanthines, contribute to chocolate's mood-enhancing effects. Several studies found that chocolate can improve mood. One study, focusing on the consumption of a daily dark chocolate drink with a high concentration of polyphenols, found that participants showed improvement in depression and anxiety conditions. Some evidence also suggests the routine consumption of chocolate can reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dark Chocolate Versus Milk Chocolate

While there is no denying that milk chocolate is delicious, it does not offer the same benefits as dark chocolate. A dark chocolate bar with a high percentage of cocoa, at least 70%, will have plenty of phytochemicals, contributing to the mood-boosting and brain-improving effects. However, chocolate should only be enjoyed in moderation. You should aim for only one to two ounces per day or roughly 30 to 60 grams.

Other Foods With Beneficial Flavonoids

Chocolate is not the only food with brain-benefitting flavanoids. Several fruits and vegetables also contain the compounds that contribute to cognitive function:

  • Kale
  • Parsley
  • Onions
  • Red Cabbage
  • Berries

You can also find flavonoids in red wine and certain teas. If you want to consume the healthiest diet for your brain, you might consider consulting with your primary doctor and a nutritionist.

Were you aware of the many benefit of chocolate, and if so, what do you find most surprising? 

Inspecting the Claims and Reality of Cleanse and Detox Diets

A cleanse diet, designed around the notion of your body needing help eliminating excess toxins, has grown in popularity exponentially over the last decade, despite having little scientific backing or merit. Celebrities, manufacturers, and self-proclaimed nutritionists have hopped aboard the cleansing and detoxifying train to riches. Unfortunately, those unsubstantiated claims of detoxing and cleansing needs can result in health issues.

In any other context, the idea of depriving your body of food or essential nutrients would appear illogical. While the severe caloric restrictions of these “fad” diets do contribute to rapid weight loss, the loss is not a symptom of eliminated toxins; it is merely a consequence of severe calorie deprivation. Yet, it is no longer fair to consider these diets fads because popularity continues to grow. Cleanses are now a trend. The question becomes, is there any relevance to cleanse diets, or are any results purely speculative hokum?

Toxins and Your Body

In reality, your body has several organs and systems dedicated to removing toxins and bacteria — the liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. The human body, in general, effectively eliminates problematic toxins and harmful chemicals without any necessary interference or aid.

Most cleanse and detox diets claim the body needs help because of increased contaminants in the atmosphere and food, especially through environmental crises like global warming. However, despite the claims, there is little, if any, rational or well-researched evidence or logic to support such claims.

On top of misleading marketing, you will find it challenging, if not impossible, to find any cleanse or detox explaining what toxins the diet eliminates. The producers of these products and services cannot make such claims because it is considered fraud without proof. Instead, most cleanse services state generalities about health and wellness. Manufacturers might even discuss the potential benefits of specific ingredients in juices or supplements. However, in nearly every case, the company falls short of making any direct or conclusive statements about toxins. 

Explaining the Positive Effects of Cleanses

Many people participate in cleanses, and some even do more than one cleanse per year. The drive or motivation is often based on the belief the diet makes them more focused or energetic. While an individual might feel healthier during a cleanse diet, the improvement is likely based on eliminating unhealthy foods and the increase of healthy options, like fruits and vegetables, not the cleanse.

Anyone who alters their diet to include more fruits and vegetables while eliminating refined sugars and processed meats are sure to feel some change. However, the difference is the result of healthier choices, not a specific cleanse or detox.

Risks of Cleanses

Despite the focus on health and longevity, several cleanses can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies or dehydration. Still, several others can increase the potential risks of overdosing on diuretics, supplements, or laxatives. Because of the loopholes and lack of regulation in the supplement market, some labels might be inaccurate. While many might not see the risk of overdose on supplements or dietary products as a threat, it is potentially fatal, depending on the supplement.

There is a continued obsession with dieting, so much so that people now feel like health is reliant on the next new and improved fad. It is a constant and unwinnable game of whack-a-mole. In truth, all anyone needs to do is focus on consuming a healthy and balanced diet. If you do not know how or where to start, speak to a licensed nutritionist or primary care physician.

My Go-To Natural Sugar Substitutes

I may not have the body of a goddess, but I do like showing off some pleasant curves at the beach (just a little). One of the biggest things that has helped me burn way more calories, and that I know can help you, too, is avoiding refined sugar. Of course, ditching table sugar doesn’t mean giving up everything sweet. Try these natural sugar substitutes instead.

1. Fruit

My absolute favorite substitute for sugar is real fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, apples, oranges, peaches and pineapples all have a great blend of tart and sweet that makes me smile.

Do you like smoothies for breakfast? You don’t need sugar. Just add a banana, some date paste or applesauce to the blender with the rest of your ingredients. You won’t notice the difference.

Eating fruit gives your body tons of antioxidants and enzymes. They protect your heart, balance blood sugar levels, give you more energy, fight inflammation, improve digestion and strengthen your immune system.

Why Not Try This?

Take a handful of raspberries, chop half a banana, and mix it with a serving of Greek yogurt when you're feeling hungry. The burst of protein and nutrients will energize you and tide you over until later. Real fruit, both fresh and frozen, has a lot of dietary fiber, so it calms the munchies like junk food never can.

2. Stevia

This natural sweetener comes from South America. Stevia is herbal, not artificial, so you don’t have to worry about any weird side effects (those terrible headaches) like with aspartame and saccharin.

The leaves of the stevia plant have been used as sweeteners for at least 500 years. Pressing the leaves provides an extract that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. But it has ZERO calories!

For tea or coffee, stevia is my go-to sweetener. You only need a few drops. For baking, go with stevia powder. Just remember to use less than half the amount you would with refined sugar because it’s so potent.

3. Honey, Pure Maple Syrup and Organic Molasses

Honey is a true superfood. It has special prebiotics that benefit your gut flora, plus lots of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins for your heart and eye health. Honey has been famous for its healing powers since the times of ancient Egypt!

Personally, I adore the taste of honey, which is why I usually prefer it over maple syrup or molasses. But all three of these thick liquids are good sugar substitutes with important nutrients. Of course, they’re also high in calories, so you have to be careful with how much you use if you want to lose weight.

I love to make oatmeal with rolled oats and drizzle a tablespoon of honey on top with a dash of milk. Instead of marinades with brown sugar, use organic molasses.

What About Monk Fruit Extract?

This exotic sweetener is natural, tasty and filled with nutrients. Monk fruit extract doesn’t have any calories, so it’s good for weight loss programs. Unfortunately, where I live, it’s also really expensive. If you can afford it, definitely try it!

Sugar Free Living Isn’t That Complicated

It’s OK to enjoy honey, stevia and fruit whenever you want during the week. To be honest, I find making sweet things for breakfast, like homemade muffins, granola or pancakes, is easier for me as a mom. For supper time, chicken (honey-lemon chicken anyone?) and pork recipes work great with honey instead of sugar. You don't need refined sugar.

These Chemicals in Your Hand Lotion Can Be Harmful

Hand lotion is one of the most benign products out there, right? That’s what I thought, too. Imagine my surprise when I discovered there are some pretty shady ingredients lurking in my favorite scented lotions. Those ingredients could be responsible for everything from my frequent headaches to my imbalanced hormones. There’s even such a thing as hand lotion poisoning! Who knew?

It’s pretty hard to believe your hand lotion could be causing you health issues, right? Since I don’t want you to just take my word for it, let’s dive into some of the harmful chemicals commonly found in different brands of hand lotion.


Dimethicone is a silicone-based polymer. It’s one of the most common ingredients found in lotions because it helps to condition the skin. There is a lot of controversy over this ingredient because it is known to be a hazardous ingredient if it is consumed.

Well, people don’t eat lotion, so what’s the big deal? Even though we don’t ingest the dimethicone in hand lotions, this ingredient can still enter our body through our skin. Our skin is highly porous and although it is designed to keep unwanted bacteria and other harmful foreign objects out of our bodies, much of the products we put onto our skin ends up being absorbed by our bodies.

Dimethicone can also disrupt the healthy turnover of skin cells and lead to trapped debris in the pores. These issues can cause dead skin buildup and ingrown hairs. That doesn’t sound very fun to me!

Mineral Oil

Minerals are good for our bodies, but mineral oil is another story. Research shows that mineral oil may be damaging to hormone balance. It can also cause a film on the skin that interferes with the body’s ability to produce vitamin D during sun exposure. Mineral oil can also clog your pores and cause acne and skin irritation.


Paraffin oil is often seen in the ingredients list of various skincare products. Paraffin oil is tasteless, colorless and insoluble in water. It can be more toxic than gasoline, especially if ingested. Accidental inhalation of paraffin oil can cause shortness of breath and coughing. Prolonged exposure to the oil on the skin can lead to contact dermatitis and skin irritation. Not to mention the fact that paraffin oil is highly flammable! All of these drawbacks make paraffin oil an unsuitable ingredient for hand lotion.


Parabens are man-made preservatives often used in cosmetic products to help the formulas have a more stable shelf life. The problem with parabens is that they have been shown to negatively impact hormone function. When your hormones are out of balance, you’re more likely to experience changes in your immune and thyroid function. You may also notice weight and mood changes due to hormone imbalances.

The risk of infertility, obesity and allergies may be higher in people who are regularly exposed to parabens. For these reasons and more, it’s best to avoid hand lotions that include parabens in the ingredients list.


Perfumes are what make hand lotions fun, right? The problem is that perfumes are usually synthetic and lab-derived (which makes them more likely to cause skin irritation). Additionally, the regulations regarding what companies can put into their fragrances are very loose. Companies don’t have to list the individual ingredients in their fragrances, which means you could potentially be exposed to endocrine disruptions, carcinogens, respiratory irritants and more harmful ingredients without even knowing it.

To avoid exposing your body to any of the potentially harmful ingredients listed above, you need to be vigilant. Carefully check product labels on hand lotions and other cosmetic products to make sure they’re as free from harmful chemicals as possible.

Superfood-infused Sparkling Water: Hype or Legit

Health and wellness is a multi-billion dollar industry, which to some extent is encouraging. People are looking for ways to improve their physical and mental fitness more and more every year. Unfortunately, as a multi-billion dollar industry, businesses are often under immense pressure to create the new “it” product to meet corporate financial projections. Therefore, as a consumer, it is crucial to analyze the claims made by health products to ensure no one is getting duped.

As a cautious consumer, you likely already watch out for fads, like seasonal diet or detox trends. Many companies pushing these products do not care about the science or the long-term effects of implementing these fads. Despite the sometimes nasty and fraudulent dietary claims, one product has remained a consistent aid in the fight for better nutrition, especially in terms of hydration: sparkling water. 

Understanding the Popularity of Sparkling Water

Sparkling water has been around for decades, and its core marketing tactic is to present itself as a healthy alternative to other carbonated beverages like soda. The tactic appears to be working, and consumers seem more receptive now than ever before. Popular soda brands continue to see a 5% annual decline, while the fizzy low-to-no calorie beverage continues to gain traction.

Currently, sparkling water brands, such as Droplet, are pushing superfood-infused water. The brands are attempting to boost the effectiveness of their already popular vitamin, electrolyte, and mineral-infused drinks. However, as a savvy consumer, is there any reason to spend more money on these revamped beverages.

Superfood-Infused Water

Some sparkling water brands have started selling and marketing beverages made with ginger, passion fruit, reishi mushrooms, and several other so-called “superfoods.” The companies claim the infused water provides mental and physical health benefits but is there any truth to the claim.

As with most claims about superfoods, the research is a little thin and circumstantial. Several studies claim some ingredients can help treat specific conditions and disorders, like anxiety or fatigue. Still, these same studies do not speak to the efficacy of these ingredients as treatments.

It is necessary to point out that no sparkling water brand describes their drinks as “treatments” for anything. The marketing is careful to avoid liability issues. However, even if the drink does not work as a treatment, does it still provide any benefits from its superfood ingredients?

Many nutritional experts believe these infused drinks can provide some benefits. Obviously, if you want the most benefit from a superfood, it is best to consume that food. For example, instead of drinking a passion-fruit-infused beverage, eat the fruit. Attempting to use a drink as your primary source of fruits and vegetables or vitamins and minerals is a mistake.

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Should You Drink Superfood-Infused Sparkling Water

The decision of whether you should or shouldn’t drink a superfood-infused beverage is yours. Sparkling water is a better choice of drink than soda, and when infused with vitamins, minerals, and superfoods, it does stand to benefit your diet. However, do not get lost in the marketing hype. A healthy diet depends on balance, and a drink will probably never have the same health benefits as consuming actual food.

Have you tried superfood-infused sparkling water? If so, what did you think? If not, why not?

Coconut: The Benefits and Why You Should Eat More

The product of the coconut palm tree, the coconut, is a tasty and nutritious fruit. You can find coconut in various forms in grocery stores, including:

  • Water 
  • Milk 
  • Meat 
  • Oil

While native to Southeast Asia, the coconut tree is naturally widespread, and its fruit is globally sourced. From the plant's flavor to its increasing culinary uses, coconut is becoming a global dietary sensation. However, dieters only recently began to appreciate the fruit for its various benefits.

Nutritional Advantages of Coconut 

Coconut is not like other fruits. Many fruits are high in carbs and low in fat, but coconut is the opposite. Additionally, the hard-shelled fruit contains protein, minerals, and B vitamins. Some of the minerals of value found in coconuts include:

  • Manganese 
  • Copper 
  • Iron

The minerals found in coconuts are vital to bone health and metabolism. Specifically, the mineral manganese helps in the digestion of cholesterol, carbohydrates, and proteins. Also, copper and iron help produce selenium and red blood cells.

Finally, the fat in coconuts is healthier than other fats. The type of fat is a form of medium-chain triglycerides. MCTs provide a rapid form of energy that is absorbed and converted directly from the small intestine. More research is necessary to understand the specific benefits of MCTs.

Surprising Benefits of Coconut

Besides the nutritional advantages of coconut, there are other benefits to consider. Coconut oil is one of the most versatile substances, with uses as skin moisturizers and hair conditioners. Still, the fruit itself has three interesting benefits that are often overlooked.

1. Antioxidants

While many benefits of coconut are hypothetical, one thing is true: coconuts contain powerful antioxidants. Coconut meat can protect cells against oxidative stress because it contains phenolic compounds, specifically:

  • Caffeic acid 
  • Gallic acid 
  • P-coumaric acid 
  • Salicylic acid 

The specific antioxidants in coconut are polyphenol antioxidants. Coconut antioxidants can protect against cellular damage and chronic disease.

2. Blood Sugar Control

Because coconuts are high in fat and fiber and low in carbohydrates, the fruit may help control blood sugar levels. The high fiber content of coconut meat can slow digestion and possibly improve insulin levels, which can help people manage blood sugar levels. However, not all reports are as praising, with some research suggesting coconut fat can increase long-term insulin resistance. Essentially, more research is needed to understand how coconut and its products can help with blood sugar control.

3. Antibacterial Properties

Some research indicates that coconut oil can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria. For example, one study showed that when coconut oil was added to test tubes with Staphylococcus aureus, the oil slowed or eliminated further bacterial growth. Several similar studies seem to perpetuate the idea of coconut oil as an antibacterial agent, but more research is necessary for proof of concept for human use.

How To Incorporate More Coconut Into Your Diet 

Incorporating more coconut into your diet need not be difficult. Several easy ways to incorporate the beneficial fruit include:

  • Shredded coconut  
  • Coconut flour 
  • Flaked or shaved coconut 
  • Coconut oil

Coconut is a healthy and often underrated fruit. The combination of healthy fat, fiber, and low carbs makes it an incredible addition to any diet. Still, before incorporating new foods into your diet or making significant changes, you should consult your primary care physician.

3 Surprising Foods for a Longer, Healthier and Happier Life

If you are what you eat, then choosing healthy foods is a no-brainer. What are the most important foods for feeling great and living longer? The answers may surprise you.


It turns out that beans really are a magical “fruit,” but not for the reasons you think:

  • High in fiber: It only takes one cup of beans to give you over half of your daily fiber. Getting plenty of fiber is good for your digestive health, bowel movements and overall comfort.
  • Low in fat: Legumes have tons of protein and little fat. Adding beans, chickpeas or lentils to the menu can help you stay satisfied after mealtimes, a huge help for losing weight.
  • Rich in nutrients: Beans give you significant calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, folate and B vitamins. They also have a surprising amount of antioxidants that can potentially help protect the body from age-related diseases.
  • Great for your gut: Beans help the positive bacteria in your gut. That way, harmful bacteria have a harder time making you sick.

High-fiber foods such as beans may help prevent colon cancer and other cancers. Legumes can also lower your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure, improving heart health. They make even help you avoid type 2 diabetes.

Berries (and Other Sweet Fruits)

For ages, Americans have had the idea that “sweet” equals “bad.” This is true in the case of junk food, but it’s not true for fruits. You never need to feel guilty about indulging your sweet tooth with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries and other “sinfully” sweet fruits.

Even bananas, the number one fruit villain for the “It’s too sweet!” crowd, are perfectly fine for morning smoothies. The same goes for mangos, pineapples, papayas, grapes, dates and figs.

How can sweet fruits get away with breaking the “no sugar for life” secret handshake? Fiber. The high amount of fiber in fruit takes your body time to digest, meaning you don’t get the same rush of glucose or sugar crash of candy bars.

Plus, blueberries, grapes, pineapples and bananas give you tons of valuable nutrients that can help you live longer. Berries are especially rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, that helps your immune system, heart and brain. These nutrients can lower chronic inflammation, protect your memory and take great care of your arteries.

Healthy Fats

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “she's out of her mind!” How can fats ever be healthy? Well, some are.

Sure, greasy, fried foods are bad for you because manufacturers and fast-food restaurants choose cheap oils. On the other hand, many natural foods contain different types of fats, ones that your body loves:

  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Whole eggs
  • Cheese

Good fats such as omega-3s help your heart instead of hurting it. They’re amazing for lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and inflammation, reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke significantly.

The Benefits of Weird Superfoods

It’s no exaggeration to say that these superfoods can make you live longer. Many studies suggest that healthy foods have the power to add an extra 10 years to your life (or more)!

Making positive choices at the supermarket can also help you feel better overall. Enjoy amazing benefits for your mood, immune system, energy levels, mental focus and pain relief every day.

The Best Mood-Boosting Bedtime Snacks

Are you waking up feeling tired, irritable or sad? You should try eating a healthy nighttime snack. It can help you sleep better at night and wake up happy.

What’s the secret to the sleep-enhancing, smile-unleashing effects of certain foods? They contain calming natural compounds: tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin. With a little help from these three, your brain feels like it’s on a relaxing vacation.

Almonds and Almond Butter

All nuts contain healthy protein, and almonds come packed with an added benefit: tryptophan. Munching on high-protein snacks before bedtime is a great idea because it helps you sleep more soundly, encourages tissue repair and increases fat burning while you rest.

With a serotonin boost from eating almonds, you wake rejuvenated and energized. Almonds also have selenium, an important mineral for avoiding depression.


Everyone loves bananas, and it turns out that bananas love you back. These feel-good fruits can double your body’s melatonin levels, and they’re a rich source of serotonin and magnesium. Plus, bananas are filling, so you don’t wake up as hungry in the morning.

Tart Cherry Juice or Dried Tart Cherries

Tart cherries can make a big difference in tryptophan levels in the blood. Some people love the sour flavor and drink a glass of juice before bed. If you need some sweetness, add 1/3 cup dried tart cherries to Greek yogurt for a major shot of melatonin.

Blueberries, Raspberries and Strawberries

Berries are one of the best foods for mental performance and mood no matter what time of day. They make great snacks morning, afternoon and night.

According to one study, the purple antioxidants from berries can reduce your risk of depression by almost 40%! If you want to enjoy less stress and anxiety, make sure to add these delicious fruits to your grocery list.


Kiwis are one of the only fruits that contain serotonin in spades. They can do wonders for your mood:

  • Help you relax
  • Make you feel sleepy
  • Increase the amount of time you stay asleep
  • Boost sleep quality
  • Promote positive feelings

The next time you find yourself tossing and turning, get up and slice up a kiwifruit or two. They’re the perfect size.


Did you know that a handful of pistachios has more melatonin than some over-the-counter sleep aids? Many products max out at 5 grams of melatonin. Pistachios pack 6.5 grams of mood-boosting melatonin for sleep into just 160 calories!

Milk Smoothies With Fruit or Protein

Milk and other dairy foods have a large amount of tryptophan, which helps your body produce more serotonin. As long as these foods don’t cause you digestive discomfort, they’re a perfect choice for a healthy nighttime snack. A milk smoothie with frozen fruit or nut butter gives you lots of protein and other vitamins, too.

Cheese and (Healthy) Carbs

The mixture of cheese and nutritious carbs can have a big effect on tryptophan levels and serotonin production. Unfortunately, carbs can make you gain weight if you overdo it at night. Pair a portion of cheese with a slice of whole-grain toast, some whole-grain crackers or a bowl of popcorn and you'll be just fine.

Create Tasty Snack Combinations

The great thing about these healthy foods is that mixing and matching them is a breeze. Add a banana to your smoothie. Eat Greek yogurt with pistachios. Make trail mix with dried tart cherries. The stars are the limit.

7 steps to the perfect shade of lipstick

Switching up your lipstick shade can dramatically affect your overall aesthetic. With so many rainbow hues to choose from, however, it can be challenging to find the most flattering formula for your beautiful face. Try these tips to locate the lipstick that works best for your look.

Uncover your undertones

Does your skin have warm, cool or neutral undertones? The answer will inform your lipstick choice since you'll likely look better in reds and oranges with a warm complexion and purples and blues if your skin has a cooler tone.

To figure it out, check the veins in your wrist. You probably have cool undertones if they appear blue, while green means warm. If you still aren't sure, take a tour of your jewelry collection. If you usually reach for gold because it looks great against your skin, you probably have warm undertones, while a preference for silver usually spells cool undertones.

Talk about tones

In addition to your skin's undertone, you might also want to consider the tone of your complexion while choosing a lipstick. Most cosmetic companies categorize skin tone from darkest to lightest as deep, tan, medium, light and fair. If you have dark skin, you'll look fabulous in bright jewel tones - think caramel and claret for warm undertones or plums and blue-toned reds if your undertones are cool.

Tan tones look amazing in popping shades of hot pink for cool undertones and corals and true reds if you have warmer skin. Tomato reds look amazing with warm undertones for medium-toned complexions, while mauve and berry shades are best for cooler customers.

Shape your pout

The size and shape of your smile might also dictate your lipstick choice. To plump up thinner lips, go for creamy, glossy formulas of lighter lipstick. Choose a darker color if you want to draw attention to your perfect pout.

Consider your hair color

The tone of your tresses also plays a role in which lipstick colors look best. If you're a blonde with skin on the lighter side, try lighter pinks with lilac and brown undertones or brighter pinks and peaches when you have a tan. If your hair is dark brown or black and you have fair skin, consider hot pink, plum and cherry shades. With tan and dark hair, go for the gold with bronze and beige.

Brown-haired gals with medium-toned skin look amazing in deep coral and beige hues. If you're a redhead, natural or not, try warmer shades like salmon and terracotta.

Examine your eyes

You can highlight your eyes and create a look that pops by choosing a coordinating lip color. Neutral shades of plum and nude bring out the best in gray eyes, while pink and terracotta tones will flatter your green eyes. Scarlet and cherry colors create contrast with your baby blues, while brown-eyed girls tend to like the way they look in true pinks and reds.

Get high-tech

Want to see how you'll actually look in that shade before you spend your hard-earned cash? Brands like MAC have apps where you can upload your image and virtually "try on" lipstick hues until you find your ideal match.

Try out the trends

If you love to be on the cutting edge of style, you need to know which lipstick colors are trending for the upcoming season. For example, pastel peaches and pinks, bright bold reds, deep burgundy, and warm gold are all slated to be hot in summer 2023. A gloss finish is also the cutting-edge choice, although matte lips are always a classic look.

With these smart tips to choose your best lipstick shade, you'll be ready for the runway in a show-stopping new look.