Positive Affirmations: The Science and Benefits

Positive affirmations seem innocuous and fruitless to skeptics, yet people have been using positive phrases to challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts for decades. While the practice can seem odd to the newcomer, that doesn't indicate its ineffectiveness.

There is plenty of research to support the practice of daily affirmations to support mood and self-esteem. It all comes down to self-talk and the altering of negative subconscious patterns. In essence, positive affirmations are about replacing adversarial self-talk with more positive and adaptive narratives.

Reviewing the Science

Positive affirmations only work when developed into a habit. If you want to make lasting changes to your inner dialogue, confidence, and self-esteem, you need to alter your frame of mind, which takes time.

While affirmations require time, they do not require faith to work. The use of daily affirmations is rooted in sound, well-established, and supported psychological theory, specifically self-affirmation theory. The practice was the focus of several empirical studies. It has been proven time and time again that self-integrity is malleable and that how people perceive the world can affect their view of self.

In other words, by sculpting a more positive view through positive self-affirmations, people can maintain self-integrity regardless of outside influences. People, then, have the ability to determine their morale through the power of thought and perception.

Identity and the Self

How you view yourself is often the result of many outside influences, such as friends, family, employer, etc. However, while these people play a role in how you develop, what matters is how you internalize their input.

Affirmations remind people that what matters most is how they view themselves. While receiving feedback can alter beliefs and thinking, it should not detract from the person.

The routine practice of positive affirmations can help people realize the significance of self-reflection and self-talk. When you commit to seeing the best in you and surround yourself with positivity, you can experience significant benefits from affirmations.

Benefits of Daily Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are not just words. When focused into a habit, they have a transformative effect that can alter health, performance, and productivity. According to the years of research, daily affirmations can provide several distinct advantages, including:

  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Improved resilience to criticism
  • Altered negative physical behavior
  • Improved academic performance

Outlook for Habitual Use

Despite the naysayers, positive and daily affirmations are tied to actual and proven results. With habitual use, positive affirmations can alter a person's way of thinking, encouraging an optimistic mindset. The change from a negative focus to optimism can also lead to fewer negative thoughts, also reducing the tendency to linger on negative experiences.

For those struggling with anxiety or other health conditions, affirmations can encourage resilience, allowing for action and improving confidence. Primarily, affirmations help create a broader sense of self, allowing people to manage social pressures more constructively.

Using positive affirmations is advantageous. While some skeptics might feel a little strange conversing with themselves in the mirror, they will likely notice a positive change with practice and commitment. Sometimes, to make ourselves feel better, we need to feel a little strange first.

Have you ever tried daily affirmations? If so, for how long, and did they work?

My 5 Favorite Winter Soups (With Recipes)

Winter can be amazing, with beautiful snow-covered vistas and plenty of warm moments as a family. It also brings some challenges, such as cold weather and flu bugs. At these times, you need a hearty bowl of soup. Check out these delicious winter soup recipes to skip the bad and celebrate the good.

Supercharge Your Immune System With Garlic & Ginger Chicken Soup

This recipe combines many superstar ingredients for immune health, including garlic, ginger, turmeric, carrots and spinach.


  • 4 pounds of chicken (thighs or breasts)
  • 2 heads worth of garlic (the whole bulb), peeled and chopped
  • 1 large piece of ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 1–2 tablespoons ground turmeric
  • 2 medium onions
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1–2 green onions, sliced thin
  • 8 cups of water
  • 2 cups baby spinach (optional)


  1. Put the water, chicken, garlic, ginger, turmeric and onions in a large pot. Add a pinch of salt.
  2. Simmer for about 35 minutes. Remove the chicken and chop or shred it. Let the soup cook for another 15–20 minutes.
  3. Add carrots and cook for five minutes or until tender.
  4. Return the chopped chicken meat to the stock. Add green onions and baby spinach and cook for one minute. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Celebrate the Power of Pumpkin With Spicy Winter Squash Soup

It’s impossible not to think of pumpkins whenever cold weather rolls around. This aromatic recipe is comforting, perfect for curling up with your favorite movie during snowstorms.


  • 1 whole pumpkin, minus the seeds
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon garam masala
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion
  • Medium ginger piece, chopped up
  • 4 cups vegetable stock
  • 1/2 cup of double cream or evaporated skim milk


  1. Chop the pumpkin into large sections and remove the seeds. Toasted pumpkin seeds are nutritious and delicious, so feel free to toast and enjoy. Cover pumpkin with olive oil, garam masala and half of the coriander and cumin.
  2. Roast pumpkin in the oven for 45 minutes or until very soft.
  3. In a large pot, stir fry ginger, garlic, onion and other ingredients with olive oil. Add vegetable stock and let it simmer.
  4. Add soft pumpkin filling and remove soup from heat. Blend.
  5. Add evaporated skim milk and simmer for a minute. Serve warm.

Try Other Fantastic Winter Soups

Here are a few runners-up for family-favorite winter soups with tons of flavor:

  • Pasta e Fagioli: A filling Italian soup with tomatoes, white beans, pasta, veggies and rosemary
  • Smoky potato soup: A colorful twist on potato soup with roasted red bell peppers, turkey bacon, red pepper flakes, chives and red onions
  • Sweet potato and chocolate soup: A spicy, rich soup inspired by Mexican mole, with chicken, sweet potatoes, bittersweet chocolate, cinnamon, cilantro and avocado

If you’re in a hurry, don’t worry. You can cut the prep time on many of these recipes by starting with low-sodium veggie broth. In just 30–60 minutes, your family can be happily sniffing the enticing aromas of wintertime soup.

Top Moisturizer Mistakes You’re Probably Making Right Now

Many people don’t take hydration seriously until later in life. But isn’t it smarter to protect healthy skin instead of buying expensive wrinkle creams after the damage happens? Avoiding these common moisturizer mistakes can help you enjoy luxurious skin longer.

1. Choosing the Wrong Moisturizer for Your Skin

Your skin has specific needs. How can you tell which ingredients to look for?

  • Sensitive: If your skin frequently has problems with irritation and redness, look for products that say fragrance-free or hypoallergenic. Choose moisturizers with a short list of skin-friendly ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, colloidal oatmeal and aloe vera.
  • Dry: For moisture-starved skin, you need to pull out the big guns. Heavier skin creams are the answer. These products use ingredients such as lanolin, mineral oil and glycerin to draw in water and keep it there.
  • Oily: If you’re prone to acne breakouts, choose a lightweight moisturizer that hydrates without blocking your pores. Look for water-based products that say non-comedogenic. Salicylic acid, glycerin and niacinamide keep your skin supple and bright.

2. Applying Moisturizer to Dry Skin

One of the main ways moisturizers help hydrate your skin is by drawing water deep into your skin and locking it in. That way, when you go outside, the sun has a harder time stripping away your skin’s moisture.

To maximize the hydration benefits, you should be applying moisturizer as soon you get out of the shower. That way, your skin gets tons of moisture to keep it happy, refreshed and healthy.

3. Being Too Rough

Giving yourself a gentle massage when moisturizing is a great idea — with emphasis on “gentle.” Give the ingredients time to sink in while you make small circles around your skin. If you’re too rough, you can accidentally trigger inflammation and irritation.

4. Looking At Price Instead of Ingredients

You shouldn’t buy the cheapest moisturizer, but you don’t have to buy the most expensive one, either. Sometimes, high prices have more to do with brand names than the quality of the ingredients.

Here are some relatively inexpensive ingredients that can provide major hydration:

  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Honey
  • Glycerin
  • Olive oil
  • Almond oil
  • Rosemary, lavender or tea tree essential oils (3–5 drops)
  • Chamomile tea

The beauty companies don’t want you to know about this, but making DIY moisturizer at home isn’t that difficult.

5. Putting Body Lotion on Your Face

Body lotion is for your body. Facial moisturizers are for your face. Wow, this tip is easy to remember. Lotions contain ingredients that help smooth rough elbows or give your skin a pleasant aroma. These ingredients are simply too strong for the delicate skin of your beautiful face.

6. Not Cleansing First

When you’re in a hurry, you may be tempted to slather on some moisturizer quickly before you head out the door. Unfortunately, when you do this, you trap dirt and bacteria in your pores. Always take a minute to cleanse your face before applying moisturizer.

7. Not Using Moisturizer at All

Some people think that if you have oily skin, you don’t need to moisturize. The irony is that not moisturizing can cause oily skin! The body’s emergency response to skin dryness supercharges oil production.

Everyone needs moisturizer. You just need to choose the right ingredients. “Listen” to your skin and enjoy wonderful benefits.

4 Reasons Fresh Foods Are Superior to Processed Foods

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, processed foods seem to reign supreme. Fast food and pre-packaged meals offer families more of what they often lack: time.

Unfortunately, while processed foods might give you a few extra minutes today, chronic use can result in less time later. Overly processed foods can lead to overeating, obesity, and chronic health conditions, which is why medical professionals encourage people to eat a diet of primarily fresh foods.

Fresh foods contribute to your overall health and well-being. They provide superior nutrition compared to processed foods and encourage healthy lifelong habits. According to nutritionists and other medical professionals, there are many reasons to eat fresh.

1. Fresh Foods Boost Immune Defenses

As the seasons change, winter gets closer, as does cold and flu season. While no foods can magically cure illnesses, consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can prevent infection or reduce the likelihood of sickness. Several studies suggest a healthy and balanced diet promotes good health and fortifies the immune system.

Obviously, your diet is not the only contributing factor to your level of infection risk. You will also want to maintain good hygiene and sleep practices.

2. Fresh Foods Teach Healthy Habits

Childhood obesity is a disturbing issue, and many studies suggest it is a dangerous trend that continues into adulthood. According to one study, two-year-old obese children are more likely to become obese adults. Obesity puts children at risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer as they age.

Most children can adopt healthy eating habits easily; parents only need to expose them to a healthier diet. By including plant-based foods with every meal, your child will learn its importance. Also, providing a balanced diet helps children develop a healthy relationship with food.

3. Fresh Foods Reduce Family Costs

A common argument for consuming a diet mainly comprising processed foods is cost. People assume fresh foods are more expensive, which is false in most instances. According to experts, fresh food is cheaper than processed foods with proper meal planning and effort.

The problem most people have is they attempt overly complex meals. Keep in mind that your dinners do not have to meet Michelin star restaurant standards. Using an affordable lean protein like chicken and a decent portion of fruits and vegetables is enough to make a satisfying and affordable meal at home.

4. Fresh Foods Taste Great

Clean eating is a palate awakening. Society is so used to overly salted, sugar-covered snacks that it's forgotten the delicacy of natural foods. Fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can offer a whirlwind of flavors, and the combinations are vast. If you are only willing to open up your palate to clean foods, the overwhelming available flavors might surprise you.

Fresh foods are more nutritious than most processed foods and present reduced health risks in the short and long term. While you might turn to fast food or other overly processed meals to save time, consider the potential risks of consuming such foods routinely. Fresh is best, especially where your health is concerned.

The Role of Oral Hygiene in Your Overall Health

Oral hygiene is vital to your overall health and well-being. While you might not see the connection immediately, there is a direct link between oral health and health in general. Unfortunately, many Americans do not take adequate care of their teeth and gums. Nearly 30% of Americans have untreated tooth decay, and over 92% of the population between 20 and 64 have cavities.

Like other areas of the body, the mouth contains countless bacteria, most of which are harmless. However, as the mouth serves as the entry point to the digestive and respiratory tracts, harmful bacteria, despite being few, can cause disease or illness.

Adopting good oral habits, then, has health benefits beyond the teeth and gums. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental appointments can reduce the number of harmful bacteria and resolve or treat dental issues before they evolve into decay and disease. While the relationship between oral hygiene and health seems strange, it is real and well-established.

How Inadequate Oral Hygiene Contributes to Health Concerns

When a person adopts good oral hygiene practices, the body's natural defenses are usually enough to combat any harmful bacteria that make it into the respiratory and digestive systems. Unfortunately, when a person does not use proper oral hygiene, harmful bacteria in the mouth can reach such levels as to lead to infection, tooth decay, or gum disease.

Also, some medicines can reduce the flow of saliva. Saliva plays a vital role in washing away food and neutralizing acids produced by bacteria. When saliva production is normal, it protects against the multiplication of harmful microbes, reducing the risks of illness and disease. Medications that may lead to reduced saliva or dry mouth include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Antidepressants
  • Diuretics
  • Painkillers

Finally, studies suggest inflammation caused by periodontitis and oral bacteria can contribute to some diseases. Also, certain conditions can lower the body's resistance to infection, such as diabetes.

How Certain Conditions Link To Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can lead to minor and temporary illnesses and infections, but it can also contribute to diseases and long-term conditions. For example, studies link poor oral health to heart diseases like endocarditis.

Endocarditis is an infection of the endocardium — the inner lining of the heart valves and chambers. The condition usually occurs when bacteria from another location in the body spreads through the bloodstream, attaching to areas in the heart. Bacteria from the mouth can access the bloodstream and transfer to the heart.

Research also suggests a link between oral bacteria and other health crises. While the link is not clear, researchers note that stroke, clogged arteries, and heart disease seem connected to infections and inflammation caused by oral bacteria in some cases.

Also, poor oral health can cause pneumonia and pregnancy and birth complications, such as low birth weight. Oral hygiene can also play a role in the management of certain conditions, like diabetes.

Oral hygiene is a crucial aspect of your overall health. Maintaining good oral habits, such as brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist, can reduce the risks of bacterial infections and disease development. If you have any questions about proper oral care, contact your local dental practice.

Wearable Weights: Should You Include Them in Your Workouts

Fitness and exercise are two frequent resolutions people make with themselves. However, fitting the gym into your busy schedule is often a challenge, which is why many people suggest workouts that feel less like workouts and more like having fun, so you feel motivated to do them. Cycling and swimming are two of the most popular forms of fun fitness. You can also opt for incognito fitness or exercise with wearable weights.

4 Benefits of Using Wearable Weights

Wearable weights allow for low-key workouts. They can also add to the complexity of a typical routine. For instance, a weighted vest can add a level of resistance to your aerobic activity. You may want to try wearable weights for four reasons or benefits.

1. Weight Loss

The use of wrist and ankle weights requires the use of more energy during physical activity. Using more energy during a workout equates to burning more calories and greater weight loss.

Also, wearable weights will help build more muscles. Muscle burns calories even when the body is at rest. Muscle also burns more calories than other tissues.

2. Muscle Building

Wearable weights create more resistance during workouts, which means you will build more muscle mass with consistent use. The beauty of wearable weights is that they do not interfere with normal movement, meaning you can easily incorporate them into daily activities. For example, it is nothing to put on a pair of ankle weights before going out for an evening walk.

3. Endurance or Stamina

The American Council on Exercise claims that wrist weights can increase your heart rate and raise oxygen consumption. The increases can eventually improve your stamina or endurance during aerobic exercises. However, ACE does not recommend using weights over three pounds because the strain on the shoulders, back, and other body parts can cause discomfort.

4. Workout Challenge

Many people add wearable weights to their regular workouts to increase the challenge. Some people will add weights to improve specific things, like balance, flexibility, movement, etc. Whatever the reasons, wearable weights add a level of complexity to a standard exercise, allowing people to achieve new and motivating results.

Types of Wearable Weights

There are three primary types of wearable weights: ankle weights, wrist weights, and weighted vests. Ankle weights were popular, but many people find they hinder athletic performance. For example, the weights may interfere with a runner's stride, increasing the risks of injury.

Wrist weights are still popular because they provide the same level of resistance as ankle weights without the risks. However, some people get carried away with the weights, increasing the weight to more than three pounds, which is potentially dangerous.

A weighted vest is the best option if you want something heavier than a few pounds. The vest option uses the whole torso to support the extra weight, evenly distributing it to reduce the risk of injury.

You do not need wearable weights to lose weight or gain muscle. That said, the weights are a helpful tool. If you are looking for ways to add resistance to your workout or increase the difficulty of some standard exercise, wearable weights might be your solution. Before adding the weights, you may want to consult your doctor to figure out if the weights are a healthy option for you.

My Favorite Healthy Simple Quiche Recipes (Kid Approved!)

A quiche is a delicious egg dish that combines crispy pastry crust, velvety eggs and irresistible ingredients such as meats, cheeses and veggies. It works perfectly for breakfast, lunch, weekend brunch or dinner, and you can switch up the fillings easily for extra flair. Here are two of my favorite (read: simple and fast) quiche recipes to enjoy as a family or to entertain company.

My Absolute Fave: Caramelized Onion and Mushroom Quiche

The caramelized onions in this quiche give it a touch of smoky sweetness. If your kids aren't big fans of mushrooms, you can go with spinach instead.


  • 1 can of breadstick dough
  • 3 egg whites, large
  • 2 eggs, large
  • 1 cup skim or 1% milk
  • 1 1/4 cups feta cheese
  • 8 ounces sliced mushrooms (button, shiitake, cremini, etc.)
  • 1 cup spinach, drained and dry (optional)
  • 2 cups frozen hash browns (diced potatoes), thawed
  • 3 cups onion, chopped
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tbs chopped garlic (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar


  1. In a large nonstick frying pan, add olive oil. If using mushrooms, start by sautéing them for about 8 minutes. Set aside.
  2. Next, sauté onions, salt and sugar on medium heat. Keep cooking until almost caramelized, about 30 minutes. Stir periodically. Add garlic and potatoes near the end and cook for about five minutes.
  3. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the crust. Unroll the breadstick dough into strips on a flat surface. Starting with one strip, create a spiral pattern. Keep going by adding the next strip and pinching the ends together. You should have a large, even circle. You can roll out more if needed. After letting the dough rest for 10 minutes, add it to a pie plate with cooking spray.
  5. Add the sauteed onions, potatoes and mushrooms to the pie plate. Add spinach if using. Mix egg whites, eggs, milk and crumbled feta cheese, and pour over the other fillings.
  6. Bake quiche at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Place foil on crust to prevent burning after 50 minutes. Serve and enjoy! I usually wait about 10 minutes before serving, so the custard is firm.

The Crustless Recipe: Smoked Turkey Quiche

To me, what makes a quiche special is the crust, which is why I listed the other recipe first. That said, there are times when you're too busy to fuss with crust.

With this recipe, follow the same overall directions, but use different fillings: 3/4 cup smoked turkey ham, 3/4 cup Swiss cheese, 1/4 cup cheddar cheese and 1 cup baby spinach.

To prevent sticking, coat the pie pan with cooking spray and add a layer of Swiss cheese (about 1/4 cup) before you add the other ingredients. This fast and phenomenal crustless quiche takes about an hour from prep to table. It's a favorite of kids, too.

The Secret to a Simple Yet Amazing Quiche

Some people feel a little intimidated by quiche. In reality, as long as you follow the recipe, you shouldn't run into any problems.

The secret to a fluffy, creamy quiche is to pay attention to the ratio of eggs to dairy in the mixture. Independently of the other ingredients, you always want in the vicinity of 1/2 cup dairy for every large egg you use.

If you're watching the calories, feel free to swap whole milk with 2% milk, half-and-half, or a mixture. What matters is the total amount of dairy versus egg amount. That way, your quiche stays silky smooth.

Why You Should Probably Avoid Giving Edible Gifts

With the holidays just around the corner, most people have already begun shopping for friends and family. Even when you're on a budget, you want to buy the perfect items for your loved ones to show how much you really care.

With close friends and family, you might know immediately which gifts will make their day. For those people you're not as close with, you may think an edible gift basket and other food-based goodies are the perfect selection. After all, who doesn't enjoy amazing food and snacks?

This gift-giving guide explains a few of the potential drawbacks of purchasing edible gifts, which can help you use your money wisely at this time of the year. It also offers some alternate ideas to ensure your loved ones are fully satisfied with what they receive.

Why Giving Edible Gifts Can Be Problematic

Edible gifts seem like a real crowd-pleaser in theory until you dig a little deeper. The first issue to consider is food allergies, which many people experience. Some food allergies are minor and cause a bit of swelling and hives. Others can be life-threatening and require an emergency trip to the hospital. Even if you're aware of your loved one's allergy, you can't always be sure whether a gift basket has been contaminated.

Food preferences are up next, as so many people these days lead vegan or vegetarian lifestyles. While many gift baskets are friendly to people with plant-based diets, there's always a risk that an animal-based product will be included by mistake.

Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to avoid edible gifts, including:

  • Health Issues - Dietary restrictions accompany many medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. 
  • Social Responsibility - Some people forgo food that isn't sourced or procured ethically, such as chocolate and meat products. 
  • Taste Preferences - You can never be sure that a person enjoys a certain food or flavorings, which can result in the gift going to waste. 

What to Give Friends and Family Instead

If you're struggling with gift inspiration, think practically first. Many people want items that will make their lives easier but fail to purchase them on their own. If someone in your life is handy, consider gifting them a toolset. If they love baking, utensils and cookware are an excellent selection. For people with long daily commutes, an audiobook subscription is a great option.

Also, don't feel like you must gift other people in your life with a tangible object. Many people prefer to enjoy a fun experience with their loved ones, which can be remembered for many years to come. In this case, purchasing a gift certificate to a beloved restaurant allows your loved one to enjoy an amazing meal. You can also purchase gift certificates for day spas, driving ranges, or other fun activities at events. Don't be afraid to literally think outside the box!

What to Give Co-Workers and Others in Your Life

As for acquaintances and others, avoid the edible gift baskets in favor of gift cards. Gift cards are great for people you don't know as well, as they allow the person to choose what they spend their gift money on. Travel coffee mugs and water bottles are another good selection, as most people will have a use for them.

Stationery and pen sets are always welcomed in an office or corporate setting. Gifts of hand sanitizer and lotion are always a great purchase, as they're available in affordable travel sizes and can be used just about everywhere.

Holiday gift-giving is a great way to show someone how important they are in your life. While you want to make a good impression, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Remember, it's the thought that counts!

Supplement and Prescription Interactions: 4 Supplements To Avoid

Many people take supplements to ensure they meet nutritional guidelines. Often, you can take supplements, such as a multivitamin, without little concern. Still, many people take supplements while taking prescription medications. While potential interactions are rare, several supplements do not mix well with medications.

Before taking any supplement, you should talk to your doctor, even if you are not on any medications. However, talking with your physician is more crucial when taking a prescription. There are at least four supplements you should avoid when taking specific medications.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an ancient spice. Many nutritionists and researchers praise the supplement for a few reasons, including:

  • Improved memory 
  • Reduced inflammation 
  • Decreased risk of heart disease

Unfortunately, turmeric also possesses anticoagulant effects. If you take a blood thinner, you want to avoid turmeric because it can result in internal bleeding. You should also avoid vitamin E and Ginkgo Biloba, two supplements that can also thin the blood.

Still, experts explain that turmeric is still acceptable to use in foods and cooking. Doctors and researchers do not believe herbs and spices have much effect on the body when used in foods.

2. St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort comes from a flowering shrub that is native to Europe. The supplement is often praised for its ability to treat moderate or mild depression. Additionally, many women use it to reduce symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes.

Despite the usefulness and potential effectiveness of the supplement, St. John's Wort does not mix well with many prescriptions. Some of the many medications the supplement interacts with include:

  • omeprazole 
  • alprazolam 
  • Birth control pills 
  • Hormone replacement therapies 
  • Some statins 
  • Some antihistamines 
  • Paxlovid

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a common nutrient in various foods. A person can meet all vitamin C requirements by consuming:

  • Broccoli 
  • Strawberries 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Oranges 
  • Kiwi 
  • Bell peppers 
  • Kale 
  • Snow peas

Despite the number of natural sources of vitamin C, many people still take supplements. Supplements are popular because people believe the additional vitamin C can ward off the common cold and reduce the risk of cancer.

Unfortunately, high-dose vitamin C supplements can interfere with some forms of chemotherapy. Additionally, the supplements can disrupt the effectiveness of niacin and statins. Some people will also experience a disruption in estrogen levels.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics are essentially good bacteria that make up the gut microbiome. People take probiotic supplements to restore balance to the microbiome and aid digestion. Still, while probiotic supplements might be good for most people, they can interfere with certain medications, specifically antibiotics.

Doctors strongly recommend that patients stay away from probiotic supplements when taking antibiotics. More specifically, physicians tell patients not to take a probiotic supplement within two hours of taking their medication.

Supplements can help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Still, taking the wrong supplement can result in problematic interactions with your prescriptions. Your primary care physician should know what you are taking, including supplements. If you feel that some nutrients are missing or lacking in your diet, your doctor can point you toward safe and effective supplements or foods that can help without risking your health.

Your Sunscreen Selection Could Hurt the Coral Reefs

Everyone knows the sun's UV rays are harmful. The common knowledge of sun damage will propel the sun care market to reach $25 billion by 2024. Unfortunately, while protective, sunscreen products can also damage the environment, specifically the reefs.

Experts estimate that nearly 14,000 tons of sunscreen end up in the ocean annually. The tonnage results from swimmers and excess product rinsed down drains. Additionally, some sunscreens come in aerosol forms. The overspray from aerosols ends up on sandy beaches and washed into the oceans with changing tides.

While sunscreen is essential to maintaining healthy skin, several brands are toxic to marine life. Some governments are working on laws to ban the use of toxic sunscreens. Currently, the primary locations working on bans include:

  • Hawaii 
  • Key west 
  • US Virgin Islands 
  • Palau 
  • Bonaire

The banishment of specific sunscreens is to protect fragile marine life, primarily coral reefs. To some tourists, the banishment of particular products is extreme, but to the local governments, it is essential.

What's the Fuss About Sunscreen? 

The two primary types of sunscreens include mineral (physical) and chemical. A physical sunscreen sits atop the surface of your skin, creating a reflective barrier. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays using synthetic compounds. Both products present challenges and hazards to coral reefs and other marine life.

Chemical sunscreens contain harmful compounds, including Oxybenzone, an ingredient found in more than 3,500 products. The compounds used in chemical sun care products result in several problems, including:

  • DNA damage to corals 
  • Abnormal growth and deformities 
  • Coral bleaching

Additionally, researchers conclude that sunscreen is a contributing factor to coral's increased susceptibility to diseases. In the Caribbean Sea, sunscreen contributes to the prevalence of Stony Coral Tissue Loss disease.

Mineral sunscreens may contain nanoparticles so small they absorb into marine life. Even at lower concentrations, the minerals are toxic, resulting in stress and premature death.

What Can You Do To Protect the Reefs and Marine Life?

The easiest way to protect the oceans and marine life is to avoid using toxic sunscreens. That advice is counter to things you have likely heard, but activity in the sun is safe in small doses. You will want to stay in the shade and cover your skin with adequate protection. Additionally, avoid outdoor activity between 10 am and 2 pm because these are the hours of the harshest UV rays.

When you need to wear sunscreen, research the products you use. You will want to avoid aerosols and products with harmful chemicals, specifically:

  • Octinoxate 
  • Oxybenzone 
  • Octocrylene 
  • Benzophenone-1 
  • Benzophenone-8 
  • 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor 
  • OD-PABA 
  • 3-Benzylidene camphor

When choosing a mineral sunscreen, look for one with zinc or titanium oxide. Additionally, you want to find non-nano products.

Finally, look for products that are certified safe for marine life. For example, look for labels with the Protect Land + Sea Certification.

Coral reefs and marine life need your help to survive and thrive. Ensure the products you use and support also support a healthy world for all living things. Also, spread the word about sunscreen products. Every voice can make a difference and help achieve a better world.