Can Probiotics Prevent Diarrhea?

One of the best ways to deal with temporary bouts of diarrhea also happens to be one of the easiest to follow: probiotics. These healthy microbes are surprisingly effective for calming trips to the bathroom and preventing problems in the first place.

What Causes Diarrhea?

Often, digestive troubles such as diarrhea happen because of an intestinal infection. Maybe the restaurant you ate at wasn’t as clean as you thought or the food at your family barbeque was sitting out for too long. Forgetting to wash lettuce, tomatoes or other raw produce can also trigger foodborne illnesses and diarrhea.

Traveler’s diarrhea in tropical locations can be caused by microbes in the water as well as food. That’s why using bottled water and washing your hands regularly matters.

Antibiotics: Good or Bad for Diarrhea?

Unless you have a high fever or other serious symptoms, taking antibiotics for intestinal infections can do more harm than good. Viral infections don’t respond to antibiotics, and minor problems with diarrhea usually clear up automatically in a few days. Plus, antibiotics are hard on your immune system, destroying good bacteria with bad ones.

Why Are Probiotics Helpful for Diarrhea?

Probiotics are your body’s good microbes. They’re tiny gut defenders that help protect your digestive system and fend off invaders. With healthy levels of probiotics, you’re less likely to get stomach infections in the first place. Studies say that probiotics may reduce the chances of having diarrhea by up to 75%!

To understand why this is helpful, imagine a bank with lots of security. With lots of guards, cameras, locks and secure vaults, the chances of criminals successfully breaking in are much lower. In the same way, the stronger your probiotic defenses, the better prepared your gut is to fend off viruses and bacteria.

How Can Probiotics Help If You Already Have Diarrhea?

Even if you’re careful when you eat out or go on vacation, you may still end up catching a case of digestive distress. There are over-the-counter meds that can put a stop to diarrhea on vacation, but they’re not the greatest option because of the large list of potential side effects: dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and more.

On the other hand, probiotics are perfectly safe. When you eat or drink probiotic-rich foods, it’s like sending reinforcements to your gut. These new “soldiers” can improve your body’s response to infections, often clearing up diarrhea a day earlier than normal. You still need to drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated, too.

What Are the Best Probiotic Foods for Diarrhea?

Lactic acid microbes, or lactobacilli, are excellent infection fighters. You can find these probiotics in many types of yogurt and other fermented dairy products, such as kefir or traditional buttermilk.

What if you’re lactose intolerant? It’s pretty easy to find probiotic supplements that have lactobacilli. Kimchi, miso and other nondairy fermented foods can help, too.

When Should You Visit Your Doctor?

Not every case of diarrhea is the same. If you have a high fever, feel extremely weak or dehydrated, or notice any scary symptoms, visit your doctor. The same thing goes for diarrhea that lasts for days without improving.

My Favorite Avocado Toast Toppings

Avocado is arguably one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It also tastes amazing and has the creamiest texture, which is why I’m constantly looking for new ways to eat it. Every time you indulge in avocado, you get a mouth full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Avocados are shown to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and minimize the risk of chronic health issues such as coronary heart disease. Did I mention they’re also delicious?

But I understand that some people don’t necessarily enjoy the flavor of avocado by itself. If you’ve been searching for ways to eat this incredible food while masking the way it tastes, I recommend avocado toast with toppings. Depending on the type and amount of toppings you use, you may not even taste the avocado at all! Here are some of my favorite avocado toast toppings for you to try.

Turmeric and Sea Salt

Turmeric is one of my preferred spices because it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a really great flavor when combined with the mild taste of avocado. I love to sprinkle copious amounts of turmeric on my avocado toast, then finish it all off with a pinch of sea salt. It’s such a simple combination, but the flavors are all very complementary to each other.

Sprouts and Other Fresh Veggies

Sprouts are highly nutritious and easily added to a wide variety of dishes. Though I don’t like the flavor of sprouts by themselves, I love them on avocado toast. I usually stick with alfalfa sprouts because I’m familiar with them and know what they taste like, but feel free to branch out and try a variety of sprout types on your avocado toast.

I also like to slice fresh vegetables very thin and use them to garnish my avocado toast. Right now, some of my favorites are radishes and cucumbers. Next week I might try jicama and carrots.

Sunflower Seeds and Slivered Almonds

If you like to add a little crunch to your toast to balance out the creaminess of the avocado, try adding a teaspoon of sunflower seeds or slivered almonds. Seeds and nuts taste great with avocado, so feel free to experiment with a few different types until you discover your favorite combination!


It may seem strange, but fruit and avocados make a great combination. Avocadoes are fruits, after all! My favorite fruit to put on avocado toast is a banana. I slice it thinly and only use about ½ of the banana, then save the rest for later. Sliced figs also taste surprisingly good on avocado toast.

Roasted Potato Cubes

If you’re like me, you think potatoes can go with practically any dish. I especially love roasted potatoes and add them to my avocado toast quite frequently. I simply dice or slice them small enough to fit nicely on my avocado toast. Yummy!


Eggs are such a versatile food, and they pair well with avocado toast. I have topped my avocado toast with scrambled eggs, hardboiled egg slices, poached eggs, and fried eggs. They all taste incredible! You’ll only need to prepare one egg per piece of avocado toast.

Nutritional Yeast

If you have never tried nutritional yeast as a topping, you’re missing out. Nutritional yeast is incredibly healthy and contains all nine essential amino acids. It also offers up to 3 grams of protein per tablespoon. But the thing I like most about nutritional yeast is that it tastes similar to cheese. Yes, really! Sprinkle it on top of your avocado toast for a subtle cheesy flavor.

I’m excited for you to try these different avocado toast toppings. Some of them may become your favorite toppings, too!

Intuition Versus Paranoia: How To Tell When Your Inner Voice Is Speaking

Many successful people refer to intuition as playing a significant role in their success, but what is intuition? Some people call it instinct, and others say it results from years of experience and education. However you define intuition, you cannot deny that instinct plays a role in the seemingly magical ability to understand without conscious reasoning.

For the people experiencing intuition, there is no logical explanation. The experience happens so quickly and effortlessly people shrug it off and go about their day. Still, intuition is significant and guides you through life and often towards goals, but it is not the only inherent feeling invoking your attention.

Paranoia can also influence a person's choices, but it often adversely affects decisions, leading people to pick safer, less prosperous routes for their lives. Success comes with risk, but you need to weigh the risks and listen to your inner voice. Which voice you listen to is pivotal to fulfillment and happiness in life.

Differentiating Between Intuition and Paranoia

Paranoia primarily deals with fear and mistrust. It correlates with previous experience but forces you to assume the worst about a situation or person. For example, if your sibling hurt you in the past and is trying to make amends now, paranoia will force you to question their motives and honesty. The emotional response can corrupt any potential you have for reconnecting.

Intuition is more hopeful and forgiving. It is a gentle voice giving you a nudge to examine a situation. While you may come to the same conclusion about avoiding an abusive sibling relationship, intuition leads to a more open analysis without fear enveloping the issue.

Paranoia is all-consuming and exhausting. Intuition is not. In essence, intuition combines healthy and analytical reasoning with emotional intelligence, whereas paranoia is like anxiety and chronic worry.

If you feel overwhelmed often, or if you feel scared constantly, contact a mental health professional. You can also talk to your primary care physician to discuss possible prescriptive treatments to calm paranoid thinking.

Strengthening Intuition for Improved Clarity and Mental Health

Intuition is subtle, but you can boost your mental antenna, increasing its clarity. Energy experts suggest using your body like an energy reader or meter. For example, in the sibling situation above, ask yourself if reconnecting with your sibling is in your best interest or if it is good for you. Pay attention to how your body responds. Is there a sense of contraction or tension? Do you feel lighter? Your body communicates uniquely, and you must learn to read its signals.

You can receive more precise signals from your body if you remove yourself from the immediate situation and get yourself someplace quiet. When you can sit in silence without distraction, it is easier to feel and acknowledge changes in your body.

Finally, meditation and mindfulness exercises are excellent ways to get more in tune with your intuition and body. Quiet and calm should help bolster the subtleness of intuition. If you experience overwhelming negative emotions, these are likely related to paranoia.

Intuition is not the loudest or most apparent. Paranoia is often overwhelming and chaotic. If you want to rely more on your intuition, you need to turn down the noise and listen to the signs of the body.

7 Body Language Cues That Signal Someone Is Manipulating You

Manipulators are quite skilled at getting what they want through subtle yet damaging actions. In many cases, a person can fall victim to manipulation without even realizing it until it's too late. This can occur in one's personal life, at work and in many other situations.

Safeguarding yourself against manipulators entails recognizing specific behaviors. Fortunately, many people use certain body language when attempting to get what they want, which can signal you to proceed with caution during interactions. Here are a few signs to look for.

1. Fidgeting

Body language provides lots of information on a person's inner mental state. Fidgeting indicates nervousness, which can occur for all sorts of reasons. When a person is normally composed but begins fidgeting during a tense conversation, it could mean that they're experiencing a great deal of pressure. And if the person is in the process of convincing you of something, ask yourself why they might feel that way.

2. Mirroring

Manipulators also want to put you at ease, as they know a relaxed person is more likely to do their bidding. This is the purpose of mirroring, which means they will use similar body language and positioning as you. This builds a false sense of trust and indicates the manipulator has much in common with their victim.

3. Invasion of Personal Space

Entering one's personal space is another method aimed at building trust. Like most people, you probably only allow close friends and family into your "zone". Manipulators know this and will try to mimic those trusting relationships by standing very close to you. If you're not sure, try this trick: take small steps backward to see if the person advances.

4. Excessive Blinking

The average person blinks about 15 to 20 times per minute in normal situations. While that number seems like quite a lot, underlying nervousness can greatly increase a person's rate of blinking. Excessive blinking can also be a sign that the person is working something out in their mind as they're speaking.

5. Shifting 

Manipulators will feign certain emotions in order to gain pity from the victim. Constantly shifting or changing positions can mean that a person is uncomfortable. In this case, the manipulator hopes that you will recognize their discomfort and do something to end it. The ultimate goal is that you agree with their wishes and do as they ask to hopefully end their "suffering".

6. Rubbing Hands or Neck

While it's a cliché, most manipulative people concoct plots to realize their goals. Because plots require mental energy, they may rub their hands together frequently as they gauge your reaction and adjust their approach. They may also rub other body parts, such as the backs of their necks or arms.

7. Prolonged Eye Contact

In addition to rapid, excessive blinking, some manipulators go in the other direction. In general, eye contact is good, as it indicates that you're dealing with a trustworthy individual. Manipulators recognize this as well, so they use prolonged eye contact to garner your confidence. They will also keep their eyes trained on you even after you look away, which lets them assess their strategy and whether it's working.

So, what should you do if you notice the above behaviors? Remember, you give manipulative people power by doing their bidding. You're allowed to say no to any request, no matter your relationship with the person or the role they play in your life.

Stand your ground with a polite but firm no. If the person refuses to accept your answer, remove yourself from the situation. When it comes to working environments, involve managers or human resources staff if you feel bullied or harassed. By being assertive, you can command respect and fight off any manipulators who cross your path.

Is Thermal Wellness Worth Your Time?

Temperature is nothing new to wellness therapy. The use of hot and cold to treat conditions like illness, muscle soreness, stress, and tension is a common practice dating back hundreds of years. People have often found comfort, relaxation, or relief in saunas or ice baths, so why is it that thermal wellness is suddenly a new fad term full of promise.

Much of the hype surrounds the advances in science and technology that allow for temperature manipulation, meaning that people can change their body temperature to achieve specific mental and physical health goals with a wearable device. However, before diving into the efficacy of such technology, it is crucial to review the science.

Efficacy of Thermal Therapies

Before discussing how extreme temperature fluctuations can affect the body, it is necessary to understand the difference between positive and negative stress responses. A positive stress response helps improve muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain; a negative response works counter to those results.

Exposure to extreme temperatures in controlled settings is said to be a positive stress response. For example, cryotherapy is the process of exposing the body to subzero temperatures for only a few minutes at a time. The sudden and extreme exposure causes rapid and tremendous constriction of blood vessels. The constriction is followed by equally substantial dilation when the body is removed from the cold, improving oxygenation and circulation throughout the system. You can think of saunas and other infrared heat treatments as equally and hypothetically beneficial but working in reverse.

It is necessary to state that evidence to support the theories of extreme temperature treatments is limited. While supporters and even some physiologists see the potential and understand the likelihood for results, the actual body of research is slim, especially when considering these methods as treatments for inflammation, chronic pain, and vitality.

Modern Advances in Technology

While there is insufficient evidence to support extreme temperature therapies, researchers know that temperature plays a vital role in human processes. Newer tech is focusing on subtle temperature fluctuations, only a few degrees in any direction. 

For now, the primary focus is on improving the quality of sleep, as most adults do not get adequate rest. The devices range from full-size mattresses to wearable devices for the wrist.

By manipulating the body and brain into perceiving a room or bed to be hotter or colder than it is, tech brands claim to enrich sleep quality. If true, the tech is sure to be a great success but does research support the idea?

Wearable Tech and Temperature Manipulation

While there is plenty of enthusiasm around temperature manipulation, it is not something most people need to concern themselves with. As long as your body can maintain an average temperature between 97° and 99°, there is no profound benefit to deliberately putting stress on your body. For those suffering from heart or lung disease or who are pregnant, most physicians do not recommend putting any additional stress on the body because of the risk to your health.

While thermal manipulation or wellness is an interesting topic, it still requires research to prove the physical benefits. That being said, if you enjoy the sauna or feel that temperature changes improve your wellbeing, go ahead and try. However, always talk to your primary care physician before starting any new program or routine.

Do Essential Oil Diffusers Actually Do Anything for Your Health or Mood?

Wouldn't it be great if moms could squeeze in little bits of relaxation all day long? That’s what essential oil diffusers promise to do: create a positive, refreshing and energizing ambience that makes you happier and healthier. Do they work?

What Are Essential Oils and Diffusers?

Essential Oils

Essential oils are plant extracts. These natural compounds come from a variety of flowers, herbs, trees and other plants. Some of my favorites are tea tree, lavender, sandalwood, lemon and (of course) rose. Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy to promote wellbeing for body and emotions.

Essential Oil Diffusers

Essential oil diffusers deliver these plant scents into the air as aromatic molecules. That way you can smell relaxing aroma as you’re going about your daily activities. The tiny particles reach your nose’s receptors and send signals to your brain, especially to the area involved with emotions. Today's oil diffusers are similar to the air fresheners of yesteryear, but using comforting natural plant extracts instead of synthetic chemicals.

How Effective Are Essential Oils?

Do essential oils work? To be honest, scientists aren’t completely sure. Some research has shown that essential oils such as lavender can have benefits:

  • Relief from anxiety
  • Help with depression symptoms
  • Sleep quality improvements
  • Calming effects for dementia
  • Pain relief for osteoarthritis

In other words, aromatherapy may help your mood and emotional health, but scientists can’t confirm it. That's why doctors aren't actually writing prescriptions for lavender oil or tea tree oil.

What Are the Best Types of Essential Oil Diffusers?

There are many types of diffusers to choose from. Each has pros and cons, and you should look at the price tag, too:

  • Electric diffusers: You add essential oil to water and an electric fan disperses the air and oil droplets into the air.
  • Reed diffusers: Small sticks absorb essential oils from a jar and release them into the room naturally. This can take a while, but it’s silent. Reed diffusers are my favorites for the bedroom.
  • Ceramic diffusers: Terracotta or ceramic absorb and gradually release essential oil into the surrounding space. These diffusers don’t have much reach, so they’re best for a bathroom countertop, tub, or another small space.
  • Heat diffusers: Heating essential oils can change their chemical properties and take away therapeutic benefits. Skip these diffusers unless you’re only after the scent.
  • Ultrasonic diffusers: These high-tech devices use vibrations to create a fine mist of essential oils and water. These are great all-around diffusers for large spaces, and they can also humidify the air in dry homes.
  • Nebulizer diffusers: For fast dispersion you can smell throughout the house, nebulizers are hard to beat. I don’t like them personally because I’m always afraid of breaking the glass container. They also go through more essential oil than other options.

What's the Bottom Line for Essential Oil Diffusers?

My point of view is that you should find out whether essential oils work for you personally. Don’t believe crazy claims or miracle cures you read online. Try your favorite aromatic scents with an essential oil diffuser for a month or two. Write down how you feel at the beginning and compare again at the end. If you notice you feel less stressed or that you’re sleeping better at night, keep going!

7 Natural Stain Removers To Try Before Harsh Commercial Products

Many people are uncomfortable using harsh chemicals to clean their clothing or homes. Unfortunately, when faced with a stain, it is challenging to think of anything more potent than an assortment of chemicals, right?

While people usually turn to strong commercial cleaners for removing stains, they don't have to. It is possible to keep a green laundry routine with several natural products you likely have lying around the house.

1. Baking Soda

Why spend your hard-earned money on expensive commercial cleaners when you probably already have one of the most durable and affordable stain removers in your laundry room or kitchen cabinets: baking soda? According to Arm & Hammer — a baking soda manufacturer — mixing six tablespoons of baking soda with a third cup of warm water is enough to remove some of the toughest stains. As a bonus, baking soda is safe on all fabrics and acts as an odor remover.

2. Lemon and Lime Juice

Both lemon and lime juice can help remove stains on clothing because they contain acetic acid. However, the acid acts as a natural bleaching agent, so you will want to be careful about what fabrics and colors you use it on. Experts suggest only using the juices on white materials and explain both juices can help remove yellowing and rust stains.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

If you're like most people, you store a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet. The oxidizing agent is an excellent bleach substitute and is nowhere near as harsh. While you don't want to use the first-aid disinfectant on colors, it is suitable on white materials for removing yellowing, nail polish dye, red wine and curry stains.

4. Distilled White Vinegar

White vinegar is cheaper than apple cider vinegar and will not stain fabrics. The product is also safer than chlorine bleach and most fabric softeners. Besides using vinegar to clean clothing, you can also use it to clean the washing machine.

5. Table Salt

Some stains require a little elbow grease to eliminate. Salt acts as an abrasive cleaner and is an excellent tool against red wine and rust stains. You can also use salt to absorb liquids before they set.

When using the product to absorb, sprinkle it liberally over a spill. Let it absorb the liquid before brushing it away. Finally, wash the item. If you do not wash the salt out of the article, it can cause white stains.

6. Borax

Borax — a mineral composed of boron, sodium, oxygen and water — is a household cleaner. Experts suggest that adding borax to any detergent can boost the products' cleaning and stain removal abilities. However, the compound can irritate the skin.

7. Cornstarch, Chalk or Talc

Cornstarch, white chalk, baby powder or talcum powder are excellent natural remedies for oily stains. All you need to do is sprinkle your chosen product over the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes before brushing it away. Following treatment, wash the clothing or fabrics as usual.

While commercial cleaners are effective stain removers, they also contain harsh chemicals. If you want a safer method of removing stains, consider one of the seven options above. What do you have to lose?

Enjoy Fall All Year Long With These 3 Sweet Recipes

Everyone knows the fall is all about sweet treats, which nutritionists often tell you to avoid. However, there is nothing wrong with a bit of indulgence now and again if you maintain control.  

The problem with autumn treats is they only come around once a year, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Some fall recipes are just as delicious throughout the year. Why not allow your sweet tooth a taste all year long?

1. Apple Fritter Bites

Hailing from Say Yes contributor Brittany, these apple fritter bites are easy to make, light on the stomach, and delicious. The best part, you can whip up about two dozen of these tiny, golden joys in 30 minutes.


  • 2 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and cubed)
  • 2 Beaten eggs
  • 2 Tablespoons melted butter
  • 2 Teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 Teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ Teaspoon salt
  • ⅔ Cup milk
  • 1 ½ Cups flour
  • ¼ Cup granulated sugar
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Glaze Ingredients:

  • ¼ Cup milk
  • 1 Cup powdered sugar
  • ¼ Teaspoon salt
  • ¼ Teaspoon vanilla


  1. Using a pan or fryer, heat the oil to 350° Fahrenheit. Mix the baking powder, sugar, flour, salt, and cinnamon in a separate bowl.
  2. Using another bowl, beat the eggs and add milk and vanilla, mixing thoroughly. Combine dry and wet ingredients, folding to a thick, nearly-combined consistency.
  3. Then, add the melted butter and apples to the mixture.
  4. Place 1 tablespoon of batter into the heated oil. Allow the batter to remain in the oil until golden brown.
  5. Remove the fritter from the oil and place it on a paper towel to drain. Finally, dip the warm cakes in the glaze. Let the fritter sit for about 30 minutes before eating for the best results.

2. Pumpkin Loaf Cake

Coming from Ashley over at Sugar & Cloth, this pumpkin loaf cake is a Thanksgiving treat that is sure to give you those warm feelings all year long. The recipe makes a 9-inch loaf.


  • 1 ¾ Cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
  • 1 Cup canned pure pumpkin
  • ½ Cup room temperature, unsalted butter
  • 1 ¼ Cups Sugar
  • ⅓ Cup whole milk
  • 1 Teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 ½ Teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 Teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¾ Teaspoon salt
  • 3 Large eggs


  1. Preheat the oven to 350° Fahrenheit.
  2. Sift the flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a medium-sized bowl.
  3. Using a large bowl, either by hand or using a mixer, beat the butter smooth. Add in the eggs, sugar, vanilla, and pumpkin.
  4. Once the butter mixture is mixed thoroughly, add the dry ingredients, alternating with the milk.
  5. Pouring the batter into a 9-inch loaf pan, bake it for 55 minutes.

3. Hot Chocolate Popsicles

Who said hot chocolate was just for the colder weather? With this Paper & Stitch recipe, you can enjoy your favorite hot chocolate all year long.


  • Milk
  • Small marshmallows
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Your favorite hot chocolate mix
  • Popsicle mold
  • Popsicle sticks


  1. Prepare the hot chocolate as instructed, but be sure to use milk, not water.
  2. While brewing the hot chocolate, place a few marshmallows into each popsicle mold. Pour the hot chocolate, filling each mold about a third of the way. Freeze for one hour.
  3. Remove from the freezer, add popsicle sticks, and a thin layer of chocolate syrup. Add more hot chocolate. Freeze and repeat once more.
  4. Freeze thoroughly and enjoy.

My Favorite Healthy Face Masks (They Work!)

Face masks are an American tradition, like baseball and Grandma's apple pie, but for your skin. The $1.9 billion-a-year question is how many trendy cosmetic industry products work.

Would you be surprised to learn that you can treat your face to premium moisturizing with simple ingredients from your kitchen? Beauty masks with natural ingredients can hydrate, heal and protect your skin for pennies. Check out these favorites.

1. Honey & Avocado: Hydration Heaven

It’s easy for the delicate skin of your face to dry out, especially in the sun or during winter. Treat your skin to abundant moisturizing with a creamy mixture of avocado and honey.

The natural oils in avocado can make skin feel softer and smoother. Honey doubles up on hydration and locks in moisture.


Mash one-third of an avocado. Combine it with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your face, close your eyes and relax. Wait 20 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water.

2. Green Tea & Cucumber: Gentle Soothing

Natural ingredients are already gentle on your skin, but this recipe takes the soothing a step further. This mask is an excellent moisturizing option for people who have sensitive skin.

The cucumber is there to hydrate while the honey calms irritation. Green tea is the secret ingredient, with antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect skin from damage.


Make one cup of black tea, letting the tea bag steep for five minutes. Stir in one tablespoon of honey. You can add a few drops of a gentle essential oil if you want, such as lavender. For sunburned skin, you can add some aloe vera gel, too.

Meanwhile, chop half a cucumber into thin slices. Add them to the pot of green tea and let sit for 15 minutes. Then, remove the cucumber slices and place them on your face. Let the antioxidants work their magic for 15 minutes before risking.

3. Oatmeal and Yogurt: Refreshing Exfoliation

When you think of exfoliation, you probably envision harsh ingredients and scratchy sponges that leave your skin red. You don’t need to be rough on your face to eliminate dead skin cells, though.

This creamy mixture of yogurt and oatmeal does an amazing job, leaving your face feeling light, refreshed and soft. This is a great last-minute-date-night mask for lessening wrinkles, too.


Mix one tablespoon of plain yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. Cook a small amount of instant oatmeal with a little water. Combine this paste with honey and yogurt.

To use this exfoliating mask, give your face a gentle massage using small circles. Afterward, let the mask sit for 10–15 minutes. Finally, wash your face with some warm water and pat dry.

The Complete Experience

A face mask with natural ingredients is incredibly relaxing. It’s heavenly to put your feet up for 20 minutes and let moisturizing nutrients do their thing.

Add a few aromatic oils or some candles, and the experience feels like bringing the spa home with you. Try a few of these amazing "recipes" and show off your gorgeous face.

AHA Versus BHA: Which Hydroxy Acid Is Right for You

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and beta hydroxy acid (BHA) are common ingredients in various skincare products, from cleansers to scrubs to peels. The purpose of both hydroxy acids is to exfoliate the skin. The effectiveness of the acid depends on its concentration, not the type.

Both AHAs and BHAs are effective exfoliants. Each hydroxy acid can reduce inflammation, which can reduce the appearance of skin conditions like acne and rosacea. Also, both ingredients can improve overall skin texture, decrease the appearance of large pores and wrinkles, even out complexion, and remove dead skin cells. Despite the similarities between AHAs and BHAs, there are some noticeable differences.

Critical Differences Between AHAs and BHAs

Produced from sugary fruits, AHAs are water soluble. They work on the skin's surface, peeling away the uppermost layer. The exfoliation process reveals newer cells and creates a more even complexion. Many users of AHAs say their skin feels smoother after use.

Alternatively, BHAs are oil-soluble, meaning the acids get deeper into the pores and the surface of the skin. Because BHAs achieve deeper exfoliation, they can potentially remove more dead skin cells and excess sebum.

Deciding on the Appropriate Acid for Your Skin

Manufacturers often advertise AHAs as safe for all skin types, but anyone with sensitive or dry skin should take care. It is best to work up gradually to daily use with an AHA.

Most people who use products containing AHAs do so to treat specific skin issues. The primary uses for AHAs include:

Uneven skin tone

Surface wrinkles and fine lines

Mild hyperpigmentation

Enlarged pores

BHAs are more suitable for users with combination or oily skin. Products containing BHAs penetrate deep into pores and hair follicles, dry out excess oils, remove dead skin cells, and unclog your pores. Like AHAs, it is best to build up a daily tolerance to products.

The primary uses of BHAs include the treatment of sun damage and acne. Some people report success in treating rosacea-related redness. People with calm, sensitive skin may experience some success with lower concentrations of the ingredient but should be cautious of overuse.

Tips for Using AHAs and BHAs

AHAs and BHAs are effective exfoliants. When selecting an AHA, choose a product with a maximum concentration of 15%. Use the product every other day until your skin gets used to it, typically one week. AHAs increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun, so wearing an appropriate sunscreen is necessary to prevent burns, age spots, and skin cancer risks. AHAs include several acids, including:

  • Citric
  • Glycolic
  • Tartaric
  • Lactic
  • Mandelic
  • Malic

Like AHAs, you can use BHAs daily. However, because the acid penetrates deeper, you may want to start by only using BHA-containing products a few times per week. While the acids will not make your skin as sensitive to the sun, sunscreen is still recommended.

The most common BHA is salicylic acid at concentrations between 0.5% and 5%. It is commonly used to treat acne and can help calm inflammation and redness.

AHAs and BHAs are both effective skincare tools. The correct hydroxy acid depends on your skin type and tolerance. A BHA-containing product is likely best for oily skin, but for more sensitive skin types, AHAs are preferable. Talk to your dermatologist to learn more.