6 Tips To Improve Your Bladder Health

Anywhere from 25% to 33% of Americans experience bladder problems. These issues can be a pain in more ways than one, embarrassing you, making you cancel events you were looking forward to or getting in your way at work.

Some women think bladder problems are inevitable, especially after having several kids. Can you improve your bladder health? Here are several tips that are recommended by health professionals.

Drink Plenty of Water …

Water is excellent for your kidneys and the rest of your urinary system. Drinking lots of water is great for preventing kidney stones and gout attacks.

How much do you need? Your doctor may have different recommendations you should follow, but general guidelines say to drink about half a gallon of water a day, which is six to eight glasses.

A good goal is to drink enough water so you have to urinate every two or three hours. Try to remember to drink two large glasses of water in the morning, two in the afternoon and two after work.

… But Not Too Much

It’s possible to go overboard with water, too. If you notice your urine looks like clear water, you may be drinking too much. Rushing to the bathroom too often can be uncomfortable, especially if you’re prone (like many proud moms) to problems with incontinence.

Wear Breathable Clothing

Both women and men can benefit from choosing comfy cotton underwear. Trapped moisture can lead to infections, plus tight-fitting clothing is generally uncomfortable anyway. Do your best to stay cool and your bladder will thank you for it.

Learn To Do Kegels …

Kegels are exercises meant to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you use when you want to “hold it.”

Do these exercises three times a day (not during urination, though). Tighten your pelvic muscles for three seconds, then rest for three seconds. Repeat 15 times per set.

Having strong pelvic floor muscles is a good way to minimize incontinence. These exercises can even benefit many women who have an overactive bladder following childbirth.

… But Don’t Hold It

When you have the urge to urinate, go. This applies to men and women. Holding it in isn’t good for your body. The longer urine stays in the bladder, the more bacteria can start to build up.

Also, take your time peeing. Don’t rush because you have to be somewhere. An extra 30 seconds to urinate properly won’t ruin your day, and it’s better to avoid infections.

Stay Active

Exercise is good for bladder health in several ways. First, it can help you avoid retaining liquids.

If you have a constant urge to urinate at night, fluid retention may be the cause. Going for a walk or performing other types of exercise help your body get rid of those stored-up liquids. That way, you can sleep soundly.

Working out can also help you lose weight. When a person is overweight, the extra weight can put pressure on the bladder, which is a common cause of incontinence.

Take Care of Your Bladder

The idea that there's nothing you can do to improve bladder health is a lie. Treat your bladder well and it can surprise you (in a good way). Kegels are a great place to start.

Sleep In With My Favorite Make Ahead Breakfasts

Family breakfasts are happy moments. If only they didn’t require so much willpower. Fortunately, you can have your granola and eat it too. These make-ahead breakfasts are a breeze for school days, commutes or weekend brunch visits.

Spiced Apple Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are phenomenal for healthy eating with a busy lifestyle. With endless combinations of fruit, nuts and spices, it’s easy to switch things up to keep breakfast interesting.


You can change the recipe to include family favorites. Feel free to add bananas instead of raisins or top with sunflower seeds.

  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 large apple
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon honey or brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Raisins (optional)


This spiced apple recipe is a breeze to make the day before. The total prep time is only 15 minutes.

  • Cook apple: Slice the apple. Cook it along with lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and almond butter. Cook for 8–10 minutes.
  • Prepare jars: Place the rolled oats in mason jars. Without stirring, add the cooked apples, raisins and milk. Cover the container and refrigerate overnight.
  • Serve: You decide whether to heat your overnight oats in the microwave or enjoy them cool for breakfast.

Add or swap ingredients however you want. Get plenty of fiber with pumpkin, more protein with peanut butter or awesome vitamin C with frozen berries.

Scrambled Egg Muffin Tins

Many families love scrambled eggs. So do nutritionists. Eggs have an excellent nutritional profile. They’re packed with protein, vitamins and minerals, plus eyesight-protecting antioxidants.


This is another recipe that you can customize to your preferences, adding mushrooms, hash browns, tomatoes or different cheeses. Fruit veggies are always a win.

  • 24 eggs (large)
  • 3 ounces deli ham, turkey or chicken (chopped)
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/2 cup cheddar cheese (shredded)
  • 1/2 cup green peppers or jalapenos
  • 1 jar of sliced mushrooms (optional)
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste


This recipe makes 24 scrambled egg “muffins.” They freeze just fine. If you want an even dozen instead, just use half the ingredients.

  1. Preheat: Set your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Prepare: Grab a large bowl and whisk the eggs first. Then, add your other ingredients—cheese, onion, deli meat and green peppers.
  3. Distribute: Fill the muffin pans with the scrambled egg mixture. Put about 1/4 cup in each tin.
  4. Cook: Bake the eggs for 18–20 minutes.
  5. Refrigerate or freeze: Let the scrambled egg muffins sit for 10 minutes before you take them out. Place in freezer containers.
  6. Heat: In the morning, pop your scrambled egg creations in the microwave for about a minute.

This awesome muffin-tin scrambled egg recipe provides a filling breakfast on the go. That way, you have plenty of fuel for mental focus and don’t feel cravings for junk food at work.

Other Fabulous Breakfast Ideas

Many breakfast options are ideal for prepping the night before. Try breakfast burrito casserole, toaster pancakes, baked French toast with berries, high-protein breakfast smoothies and homemade granola bars, just to name a few.

A busy lifestyle can’t — and shouldn’t — keep you from enjoying a nutritious breakfast. Just make your kids’ faves the night before rather than the morning of.

The Weird But Amazing Benefits of Eating More Corn

Corn isn’t exactly high on the list when most people think about healthy foods. There are many myths about corn, such as the ideas that it’s not healthy, contains empty carbs or makes you gain weight. In reality, whether you love grilled sweet corn or corn flour tortillas, this golden vegetable offers a surprising number of benefits.

Sweet Corn Doesn’t Hurt Your Blood Sugar

One misconception people have is that sweet corn is packed with sugar and bad for your blood sugar. While sweet corn does have natural sugars, it’s actually a low-glycemic food. This is because there’s plenty of fiber to slow down digestion, so it doesn’t trigger sugar spikes.

People who have diabetes should always follow a doctor’s recommendations, which may mean eating smaller portions. That said, an ear of corn only has 6 grams of sugar. That’s less than half what apples and bananas have.

A Bag of Popcorn Has About 50% of Your Daily Fiber Needs

Everyone needs plenty of fiber to encourage healthy digestion. High-fiber foods contribute to regularity and support your gastrointestinal tract. In turn, GI health is related to better cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

One bag of popcorn (without grease and salt) provides about 16 grams of fiber. Men should get 30–38 grams a day, and women need 21–25 grams. With the help of this healthy snack, you can hit your fiber goals relatively easily.

Fiber Helps You Lose Weight, Not Gain It

What about the myth that corn is just waiting to add pounds to your waistline? It’s true that this vegetable has starch, but it’s not empty carbs. In reality, the abundance of fiber helps you feel full and keeps cravings for sugary treats away.

In other words, it’s much better to reach for a bag of fresh popcorn than a candy bar. You won’t experience the “crash” that comes from sugar, and you’ll feel satisfied until mealtime. This can have a positive effect on weight loss.

Corn Has Many Nutrients

Contrary to the idea that corn doesn’t do anything for your health, different types of corn have a large variety of nutrients:

  • Vitamins: Fresh corn gives you vitamins A, B-1, C and E.
  • Antioxidants: Corn is a great source of the natural compounds lutein and zeaxanthin. These protective antioxidants are good for healthy vision.
  • Minerals: Corn has potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper. It’s like a mini-multivitamin.

The Ear That’s Good for Your Eyes

Did you know that eating corn can reduce your risk of cataracts and age-related eyesight problems? Antioxidants help to protect your eyes from damaging UV rays. Blue corn is even better than yellow corn at taking care of your vision.

Colon Benefits

The insoluble fiber in corn can help you keep your colon and GI tract clean. According to an important study, the risk of colon disease was almost 30% lower in men who ate popcorn regularly. That’s a huge difference for a sweet veggie.

A Tasty, Flexible Option for Dinner

Whether you choose fresh corn or the frozen variety, you can get health benefits. It’s easy to add some corn to chicken soup, sprinkled over your salad, in chili, or grilled on the cob. However you enjoy it, corn deserves a regular place at your dinner table.

The Importance and Role of the Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland — a small butterfly-shaped gland found below the larynx — is part of the endocrine system. As a member of this system, the thyroid gland produces and regulates some aspects of hormone production in the body, specifically the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

The hormones the thyroid gland produces handle metabolic function and the development of the human body. Also, the thyroid helps to regulate mood, so if it is not operating correctly, a person may experience anxiety or depression.

For such a small gland, unnoticeable by touch, the thyroid is invaluable. The body depends on the gland's proper function to regulate its metabolic rate, contributing to muscle, heart, and digestive function, bone maintenance, and brain development.

Your Brain Runs the Show, Usually

The thyroid does not act alone; it takes orders from the pituitary gland, which responds to signals from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, sitting above the pituitary gland, has only one job: maintaining homeostasis. Part of maintaining stability in the body is managing hormones.

While a part of the brain, the hypothalamus is also a member of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, a network critical to metabolic function. However, the hypothalamus is not the only controlling member in the network. The pituitary gland sometimes supersedes directions from the brain to help regulate hormones — a biological balance of power.

Typically, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland by producing and sending thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which encourages the pituitary gland to create and send thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to the thyroid gland. Finally, the thyroid produces the necessary hormones. However, the pituitary gland can also send TSH to the thyroid without the hypothalamus if it senses an imbalance in the blood.

Despite the apparent checks and balances of the HPT, problems can occur. Over- or underproduction of T3 and T4 can happen, and the issue can lead to lifelong health conditions.

Understanding Hyper- and Hypothyroidism

A thyroid gland is usually a well-oiled machine, producing the exact amount of hormones necessary to maintain and balance the body's metabolism. Unfortunately, several disorders can affect the production of thyroid hormones, resulting in too much or too little in the blood.

A condition known as hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland consistently produces too much hormone. Someone with hyperthyroidism might experience several symptoms, including:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Eye irritations
  • Sleep problems

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, resulting in slower or faster energy usage. Someone with hypothyroidism might experience several symptoms, including:

  • Slower heart rate
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Hoarse voice
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Goiter

Nearly 20 million people in the U.S. have a thyroid condition, making it relatively common. However, women are five to eight times more likely to receive a diagnosis than men.

The thyroid gland is vital to the body's equilibrium. While it is a small piece of the endocrine system, its role is crucial to hormone regulation and management. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to hyper- or hypothyroidism, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.

Considering Switching to Decaf? Here’s What You Need To Know

Coffee is inarguably the world’s most beloved beverage, with as many as seven in 10 Americans drinking at least one cup a day. If you can relate to the average American, you drink as many as three cups per day, whether because you need a boost or out of sheer habit. While recent studies suggest that the more coffee you drink, the better, the truth is that many people can and do experience adverse side effects from too much caffeine intake. If you’re one such person, you may wonder, should you switch to decaf?

The Deal With Decaf

Unlike sugar, dairy and meat alternatives, decaf coffee really is just coffee sans the caffeine. To make decaf coffee, the manufacturers simply remove the caffeine from the beans by washing them in a solvent. Common solvents include organic solvents, water and carbon dioxide. Once the beans are virtually caffeine-free, the beans are then rinsed to wash away the solvent.

Once decaffeinated, you can roast and ground the beans as normal. Though the smell and taste may be milder than traditional coffee, the nutritional value should be similar to, if not the same as, regular coffee.

Decaf’s Nutritional Value

Speaking of nutritional value … Not only is coffee one of the world's most beloved beverages but also one of the healthiest. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants and is, in fact, the single largest source of antioxidants in the Western diet. Among other benefits, antioxidants reduce oxidative damage throughout the body and help to prevent chronic illness, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many cancers.

Decaf offers more or less the same health benefits as regular coffee. It, too, is loaded with antioxidants, though studies suggest that decaf typically contains about 15% less than caffeinated joe. This is likely due to the decaffeination process in which several properties are lost. Despite the small loss, though, decaf is still a huge source of antioxidants and, therefore, a better alternative to just about any other beverage.

In addition to being antioxidant-rich, decaf also contains trace amounts of other necessary nutrients. For instance, a single cup of brew provides 4.8% of your recommended daily potassium intake, 2.4% of magnesium, 2.5% of niacin and small amounts of vitamin B3. Though these amounts may seem minimal, they quickly add up if you are a multiple-cup-a-day type person.

Possible Effects of Going Decaf

Decaf may be similar in composition to regular coffee, and it may offer more or less the same health benefits, but it does differ in the effects it has on the body. Below are a few changes you may experience after switching to the dark side:

  • You may feel more lethargic at first as your body gets used to life without caffeine once again.
  • You may experience the symptoms of withdrawal, especially if you were a heavy coffee drinker. Don’t worry though, these symptoms — which may include headache, nausea and fatigue — won’t last long.
  • You may notice a surge in appetite, as caffeine is an appetite suppressant.

However, switching to decaf is not all bad. After about a week or so of drinking strictly decaf, you may notice that you actually have more energy. Not only that, but your sleep quality may improve, your tummy issues may disappear and you may notice that you no longer feel anxiety for no discernible reason.

Decaf coffee is not for everyone. However, if you experience side effects after drinking regular coffee, or if you simply want to cut back on your caffeine intake, decaf could be a great alternative for you. You will still reap all the health benefits of the real deal but without any of the pesky side effects that come with caffeine overload.

4 Reasons Why I Prefer Tinted Sunscreen

To protect your skin, you should use sunscreen every time you go out. Unfortunately, messing around with makeup and sunscreen can also be a hassle, especially when you’re in a hurry to get out the door. The good news is that a relatively simple solution makes life easier and keeps skin safe simultaneously: tinted sunscreen.

What Is Tinted Sunscreen?

As the name suggests, an important part of tinted sunscreens are ingredients that help filter out sunlight. These minerals, mainly titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are the same ones found in traditional sunscreen. They help reflect harmful UV rays.

What makes tinted sunscreen different is the combination of pigments designed to match any skin tone. So whether you’re looking for a rosier or tanner complexion, it’s not hard to find the color you love.

Tinted Sunscreen Versus Beauty Creams and Color-Correction Products

Choosing between beauty creams with SPF-boosting ingredients, tinted sunscreen, foundation, color-correcting creams and other skincare products can be confusing. Each one excels in different areas.

Beauty creams generally provide better hydration and skin-repair ingredients but don’t offer the same UV protection. Ideally, you want an SPF of 30–50 for the face, but many beauty creams only reach SPF 15, which isn’t good enough for something your skin depends on every day.

Color-correcting creams offer maximum complexion control but little help against UV rays. On the other hand, tinted sunscreen provides good coverage and exceptional sun protection, but the tone results don’t quite compare to foundation.

How Safe and Effective Is Tinted Sunscreen?

Tinted sunscreens are just as safe as regular sunscreens. Unless you have an allergy to common ingredients in mascara, beauty products or sunscreen, you shouldn’t have to worry about a thing. Many health professionals and dermatologists, including the Harvard Medical School and the American Academy of Dermatology, recommend using sunscreen for UV protection. Tinted sunscreens are an effective option that can provide several benefits for people with sensitive skin.

Why Use Tinted Sunscreen?

Tinted sunscreens are accessible, convenient and helpful for protecting your skin against sun damage. Here are some of the ways they can help you:

  • Making it easier to wear sunscreen regularly: Applying sunscreen is one of the most important ways to prevent skin cancer. Sadly, it’s easy to overlook when you’re busy. Tinted sunscreens are a breeze to put on, so they may be easier to include in your daily routine.
  • Avoiding the white sheen associated with mineral sunscreens: Many people prefer mineral sunscreens instead of chemical ones, but traditional options leave your skin with a white tinge. Going with tinted sunscreen can give you the beautiful, balanced complexion you want.
  • Reducing dark spots: Unlike chemical sunscreens, tinted sunscreens that contain iron oxide can block visible light, including artificial light. This can help people with skin conditions involving hyperpigmentation, such as being prone to dark spots.
  • Camouflaging blemishes: There’s nothing wrong with wanting to cover blemishes, spots or other imperfections. However, tinted sunscreen products give you the best of both worlds — excellent UV protection and an even skin tone.

What should you look for when selecting brands? Go with something at least SPF 30. Iron oxides offer extra protection against visible light and dark spots. If possible, look for other nourishing skincare ingredients, including moisturizing hyaluronic acid and protective antioxidants like green tea.

Why Scent Compatibility Is So Important in a Partner

Anyone who's been on the dating scene for any length of time knows that compatibility is a major factor in romantic success. Compatible partners can find common ground in their interests and goals. Along with the initial attraction, compatibility also ensures a lasting loving relationship.

Compatibility also has a scientific component, particularly when it comes to scent. There are few things in the world better than the way a romantic partner smells, especially in those heady early days when you're still in the "honeymoon" phase. There's an underlying basis for this phenomenon when it comes to whom you're attracted to and why.

Is scent really the key to finding the perfect partner for you? Or are there other, more important factors at play when it comes to attraction? Here are a few things to consider while you're on your quest for love.

How Scent Influences Our Emotions

Imagine a scent you absolutely love, such as warm cookies right out of the oven or your grandmother's perfume from when you were a child. Now think about how that scent would make you feel if you smelled it right now. Most people experience a soothing, relaxed feeling upon smelling something enjoyable, just like off-putting smells elicit a feeling of disgust or alarm.

This response occurs because cells within the nose can send signals to your brain, specifically the areas used to regulate emotion. That's why people tend to feel hungry upon smelling something delicious, as the smell scent of food triggers a bodily response that prepares the digestive system for eating.

The same sort of response occurs when a person encounters a scent from a prospective romantic partner. The smell triggers an arousal response intended to increase the attraction to a person, which is why just smelling an item of clothing from someone you love can induce so many warm feelings.

Why Scent Compatibility Is More Complex Than You Think

Scent compatibility is not simply about smelling a pleasant aroma wafting from a prospective paramour, although that definitely plays a role. Your body is actually reacting to specific genes that exist within the immune system. Additionally, you're most attracted to genes with a design that differs from your own.

From a biological standpoint, it makes sense that you would be most attracted to genes that are dissimilar from your own. Our ancestors may have developed this ability to prevent them from breeding with other members of their family, which can have a wide range of poor consequences.

While that's not much of an issue these days, this biological reaction still remains. That means your nose may be aware of an attraction well before you admit it to yourself. It can also explain why you choose a particular romantic partner over another, even when both have much to offer.

How to Emphasize Your Natural Scent

There's a lot more to attraction than just scent, but there are steps you can take to enhance your compatibility with a partner when it comes to personal smell:

  • Use cologne and perfume sparingly, as they will mask your natural scent
  • Look for odorless personal care products, such as antiperspirants and lotions
  • Bathe at least once per day to ensure you maintain a pleasant natural aroma
  • Favor natural materials and fabrics over synthetic ones, as they can give off an artificial scent

At the end of the day, there are lots of components to attraction and relationships. While looks and scent definitely play a role, especially in the beginning stages, they're not the end-all, be-all of romantic relationships. If you're seeking a partner for the long haul, the person must also be kind, considerate, and willing to work to make your relationship a lasting success.

This Is the Year of Zucchini!

Zucchini isn’t exactly America’s favorite veggie, but there are plenty of things to love about it. This slender, tender variety of squash provides many healthy nutrients. It also packs lots of flavor and freshness — if you know how to use it in dishes the right way.

A Source of Amazing Vitamins and Nutrients

The list of vitamins and minerals in a cup of zucchini reads like the label on a multivitamin bottle:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Thiamine
  • Copper

Just one cup of zucchini can give you around 10–15% of your daily needs for these vitamins. That’s pretty impressive for a relatively inexpensive veggie!

Heaven for Your Gut

Zucchini has plenty of water, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which is excellent for gut health. Adding it to meals can make them easier for your body to digest. For some people, zucchini and other green veggies can alleviate the pain and inflammation of ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic digestive problems.

The Green (and Yellow) Antioxidant Powerhouse

Another reason to love zucchini’s nutrients is that many of them provide important antioxidants. For example, green and yellow zucchini are rich in carotenoids — the same family of antioxidants found in carrots. These compounds support and protect the body:

  • Eyes: Like carrots, zucchini are a great veggie for protecting your eyesight. This isn’t a myth. Beta-carotene and vitamin C can significantly reduce the risk of age-related vision loss and cataracts.
  • Bones: Vitamin K, magnesium and antioxidants in zucchini all work together to help you have stronger bones.
  • Prostate: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that zucchini seeds may help limit prostate enlargement.
  • Thyroid: Some scientists think that extracts from zucchini peels may support balanced thyroid hormones. If true, it could help your metabolism, energy levels and mood.
  • Cells: Some studies point to zucchini for helping prevent the growth of cancer or even destroying cancerous cells. A lot more research is needed to confirm this, but it’s a pretty impressive potential benefit for just adding colorful vegetables to your diet!

A Perfect Carb Replacer

Now for one of the biggest reasons why this is the year of the zucchini: low-carb lifestyles! Zucchini has a firm texture and smooth taste that work great as a substitute for traditional carb-heavy staples. Instead of pasta, you can spiralize zucchini in seconds for flavorful Italian dishes.

Easy Veggies From Your Garden

Growing zucchini is a breeze. Just plant some seeds in a sunny spot, give them at least two inches of water each week, and enjoy the fruits… er, veggies of your labor in about 45 days. A good harvest will give you plenty of zucchini to share with friends, too.

Awesome Ways To Use Zucchini

If you’ve never eaten zucchini raw in salads, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. Here are other irresistible meal ideas:

  • Tomato and zucchini salad with olive oil vinaigrette
  • Zucchini, carrot and cabbage slaw
  • Grilled halibut with lemon zucchini noodles
  • Grilled zucchini slices with olive oil and basil (side dish)
  • Sauteed shrimp and zucchini stir fry
  • Spicy zucchini with turmeric-ginger chicken
  • No-noodle zucchini lasagna
  • Zucchini au gratin with garlic, parmesan and pecorino

A word of advice: Don’t overcook! Just toss the zucchini in at the last minute, like you would with herbs or green onions.

3 Personal Trainer Characteristics That Signal It’s Time for a Change

In the United States, personal trainers make, on average, about $70,000 per year. Clients typically pay $40 to $70 per hour for an in-gym training session; rates can increase to $100 or more per hour for in-home sessions. With some clients seeing a trainer for three to four hours per week, the monthly expense can run between $480 to over $1,600 per month.

Clients willing to spend money on a trainer must research and compile expectations. You are paying for a service, and you deserve quality and respect. An excellent trainer will have certifications, compassion, and a passion for their field. Unfortunately, all trainers are not equal, and several warning signs signal it's time to switch instructors.

1. They Are Too Demanding or Controlling

The style of training that motivates you is likely different from your friends or family members. Some people prefer the tough love approach to the hand-holding style.

Regardless of the training style you prefer, no trainer should demand more than you are capable of or control every aspect of your life. Unfortunately, some trainers expect too much of their clients, risking injuries or burnout. Others expect clients to count every macro or micronutrient and track every physical movement they make.

Physical fitness is vital to healthy living, but you should find some joy in the activity. If your trainer is too controlling or demanding, find someone else.

2. They Do Not Incentivize or Motivate

Motivation is one of the main reasons people seek and pay for a personal trainer. Many excellent personal trainers attempt to incentivize clients, either through tangible rewards or recognition through client competitions. Other trainers merely motivate the individual with praise and personal acknowledgment.

If you are working with a trainer who offers little or no encouragement, reconsider your relationship. Offering inspiration helps propel people forward. Clients can push themselves past their reservations to meet fitness goals through motivation and support. The relationship between a client and trainer is a productive and positive one; if yours isn't, find a new trainer.

3. They Do Not Customize Your Training

Training is not a one-size-fits-all approach to physical fitness. Every client is different. Some people have disabilities or restricted movement; others are more or less advanced. A skilled and qualified trainer understands the differences in clients and creates a unique plan to suit individual needs.

Trainers who attempt to use the same regimen with every client are potentially lazy and unscrupulous. In their haste to build their reputation and client base, they forget the importance of customization.

A custom fitness program is paramount to individual safety and success. Attempting to use one plan for multiple clients is often ineffective and potentially hazardous for some.

If you want a one-size-fits-all approach, join a fitness class. If you want a custom training plan, hire a capable trainer.

People pay good money on personal trainers in the U.S. You deserve to get the service you pay for. While some dishonest characters are out there trying to make a quick buck as supposed fitness experts, do yourself a favor and check their qualifications. Also, if a trainer is unwilling to customize a plan and shows no interest in supporting or motivating you, find yourself a new instructor.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Randomly Reach Out to Friends

Everyone needs friendship and affection. Calling a friend can be exactly what you need to deal with stressful situations. But, if randomly reaching out makes you nervous, you may be surprised to learn that many friendship worries are just myths.

Myth #1: Your Friends Are Upset With You

Stress does weird things to the brain. It can make you invent imaginary scenarios and replay negative feelings constantly. Worries about friendship are one of the most common fears.

Cut through dark clouds by taking action. Remember that these worries are just a side effect of anxiety. They're not real.

Pick up the phone. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by how excited the person is to hear from you.

Myth #2: You Messed Up Texting

You know the drill: You were texting with a friend when your boss called, and you had to rush to the office. Or you wrote a message that sounded great in your head but came out all wrong.

This situation has happened to most people at some point. Your friends have probably done the same thing countless times!

You can still have a great conversation. You just need to break the ice again. Send a humorous or encouraging text message that reminds the person how much you appreciate them.

Myth #3: Friends Shouldn’t Argue Ever

Avoiding arguments with friends is a good goal, but the reality is that it will probably happen at some point. That doesn’t mean the friendship is over.

Real friends are like family members. Being perfect isn’t a realistic requirement.

When you haven’t slept in a week because your kids are sick, it’s understandable to be irritable. That being said, knowing how to apologize and forgive is crucial. Saying “I’m sorry” and sending a cute cat meme is often all that’s needed.

Myth #4: Your Friend Is Avoiding You

There could be a thousand reasons why your friend hasn’t responded, but many people immediately blame themselves. It’s more likely that the person has simply been busier, more distracted or more stressed than usual.

A friendly voice may be precisely what both of you need! Offer to buy a cup of coffee and talk at the park. That way neither has to worry about cleaning the house or getting dressed up for a restaurant.

Myth #5: Your Friend Was Rude to You

Be very careful how seriously you take text messages. Misunderstandings are extremely common.

Text messages are really bad at communicating emotions. Forgetting to include an emoji can make something funny sound sarcastic. Without hearing the other person’s voice, it’s easy to take words incorrectly.

When in doubt, opt for a quick phone call. Asking “How are you today?” can often clear up misunderstandings in seconds.

Myth #6: Too Much Time Has Passed

Time isn't the friendship killer you think it is. Happy memories don't just disappear. You can build on them with new moments.

Don't focus on the time that has passed. Focus on reconnecting.

Real people mature and change, but it only makes them more interesting. The core things that attracted you in the past are still there: good qualities.

The Benefits of Reaching Out

Spending time with friends has many physical and emotional benefits. It can alleviate stress, improve your self-esteem and encourage you to stay fit. Like anything of value, friends take time and effort, but they’re worth it.