How To Choose a Non-Toxic Sunscreen for Your Family


You know sun protection is safe for your family, but you feel nervous about spraying sensitive skin with a cocktail of chemicals. How can you be sure that you choose a nontoxic sunscreen formula for your family? Here's the scoop about the labels to look for and ingredients to avoid when shopping for healthy, toxin-free SPF products.


Understanding the GRASE Standard

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows sunscreen manufacturers to sell formulas containing GRASE ingredients. This acronym stands for "Generally Recognized As Safe and Effective." However, the GRASE standard is not sufficient for ingredients that could enter the body in levels above 0.5 nanograms per milliliter.
Earlier in 2020, the FDA announced that four common sunscreen ingredients formerly considered GRASE require additional study to confirm their safe use: ecamsule, octocrylene, oxybenzone and avobenzone. These chemicals work by absorbing UV rays before they can penetrate the skin.

While the FDA has not prohibited companies from using these chemicals in their sunscreens nor has it discouraged consumers from using formulas with these ingredients, you may want to use extra caution if you have concerns about exposure. The FDA has also recommended against the use of sunscreens that contain trolamine salicylate, which can cause bleeding, and para-aminobenzoic acid, which can lead to allergic reactions.


Reviewing the Research

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the effects of avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and three other common sunscreen chemicals: homosalate, octisalate and octinoxate. The research participants used dozens of formulas with these ingredients and reapplied as recommended by the manufacturer. Researchers took blood samples from the participants and found that the levels of these chemicals remained in the blood for three weeks longer than the safe threshold indicated by the FDA.

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While we need more research to understand the effects of elevated blood levels of sunscreen ingredients, existing studies on oxybenzone correlate the chemical with decreased sperm function, low birth weight and impact on breast development. Octinoxate is associated with behavioral, thyroid and hormone changes in animal studies. Based on these studies, women who are pregnant or nursing may want to avoid these sunscreen ingredients.

Other ingredients in sunscreens, cosmetics and personal care products have also been associated with potentially adverse effects. For example, studies show that retinyl palmitate can accelerate growth of cancerous tumors. What's more, sunscreen chemicals can damage the ocean ecosystem and affect coral reefs.

People on Beach

Taking Steps to Safety

FDA recommendations about the continued use of these ingredients are forthcoming. In the meantime, choose sunscreen formulas with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredient. These minerals block UV rays without entering the bloodstream through the skin.
You should also look for sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection, which means it shields skin from both UVA and UVA rays, and an SPF, or sun protection factor, of at least 30. Don't make the mistake of using last year's leftover SPF. Sunscreen has an expiration date, after which it won't be as effective.

Most people don't use enough sunscreen to truly protect the skin from the sun. Use about enough to fill a shot glass, cover all exposed skin and reapply every two hours, or more often after swimming or sweating. Wear SPF even when it's cloudy outside; according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 80% of UV rays can still reach you when the weather is overcast.

Remember that sunscreen is important, but it isn't the only way to protect you and your family from the sun. To limit your sunscreen exposure while avoiding harmful UV rays, stay indoors from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the sun peaks. You can also choose clothing made from UV-protective fabric. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses provide additional protection.

7 Garden Tools To Simplify Your Life


Everyone loves a garden, even if it's just a tiny patch of green grass on an otherwise barren property. There's something so welcoming about plants, reminding you that you're alive. No matter how small or large your garden may be, having the right tools can help you keep it looking its best.

1. Dandelion Puller

Have you ever tried to pull up a dandelion and only broken off the stem where it meets the ground? These ubiquitous wildflowers have stubborn taproots that may be longer than the flowers themselves. Invest a few dollars in a dandelion pulling tool, and get rid of them for good.


2. Self-Watering Pot

If you have any type of container garden, you know how quickly they can dry out when the weather is hot. On the other hand, a week's worth of afternoon thunderstorms may mean you don't need to water them at all. To stay on top of your watering schedule without losing your mind, pick up a few self-watering pots that keep water in a chamber and release it into the soil as needed.

Hanging Plant

3. Pole Saw

When you need extensive tree-trimming work, you hire a professional. However, when there's a small branch that you need to cut down, and it's just out of reach, a pole saw is the tool for the job.

4. Hedge Trimmer

This small power tool looks a bit like a tiny chain saw, but its results are magical. Use it to give hedges and shrubs a quick trim and keep them tidy.

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5. Lawn Edger

You care about how your front yard looks, so you keep it mowed and don't let the weeds take it over. However, if you'd like a simple way to add to your home's curb appeal, try edging the lawn. This push-along tool gives mowed grass crisp, clean edges, and subtly upgrades the look of your yard.

6. Blower-Vac Combination

Everyone knows what a leaf blower is, but what about a leaf vacuum? That would come in handy, right? With a blower-vac, you can skip the raking and, if you choose to bag your leaves, you'll love that this tool can mulch them down to a fortieth of their original size. That's like reducing forty bags of leaves to one.

Fallen Leaves

7. Rototiller or Cultivator

If you decide to grow a garden, you'll need to prepare the soil first. Depending on what you grow and which zone you live in, you may also want to turn the garden under at the end of the season. A tiller will simplify and speed up this job. Choose an electric model for small projects, or rent a gas-powered version for more extensive gardens.
No matter what type of garden or yard you have, think about which tools could make the biggest difference for you in ease of upkeep. If there's something you think might help, but aren't sure whether it's worth the expense, see if you can rent or borrow one to try it out before you buy.

Kid-friendly Hacks To Beat the Summer Heat


It happens every year: The kids wait impatiently through fall, winter, and spring, looking forward to just one thing all year: Summer vacation! When summer finally rolls around, the first two days are rosy, joyful, endless days of bliss. On day three, you seem to hear nothing but: "It's hot" and "I'm bored." What's the best way to combat both of those complaints at the same time? Find creative ways to beat the heat.

Make Juice Pops

Let's be honest here. Juice is full of sugar. It's also full of water, though, which is a fantastic thing on a hot day. Take it a step further and freeze the juice in a popsicle mold, and you have a double win: Cool off and rehydrate at the same time. Plus, they're fun to make. Just watch out for bees when you're eating juice pops outside.

Juice Pops

Create a Cooling Mist

You can get a small, battery-powered misting fan for a few dollars at a discount store. Many of them even have soft foam blades to make them less of a hazard to little fingers. Fill the reservoir with cool water, and the gentle mist combined with the breeze from the fan will have everyone feeling refreshed in no time.

Sun umbrella

Soak in the (Kiddie) Pool

Young children should always be supervised around water. That said, people of all ages usually enjoy a splash in water during the heat of the day. The beauty of a kiddie pool is that it doesn't take long to fill, does not require professional installation, and it doesn't take up much room. Sure, you can't really swim in one, but splashing is a ton of fun anyway.

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Fall Back on a Classic and Run Through the Sprinklers

Depending on how old your kids are, they may not go for this. If they're little, though, they may think it's the most fun they've ever had, especially if you use a fun sprinkler with an unpredictable spray pattern. If you don't have sprinklers installed, you can buy one that attaches to the end of the hose. Bonus: cool off the kids and water the plants at the same time.

Kid jumping through sprinkler

Stock up on Sun Protection

Getting overheated isn't the only concern in the dog days of summer. Sunburn can be extremely damaging to human skin, and the younger the human, the potentially more extensive the damage. Protect your family's skin and eyes by applying sunscreen as often as necessary, providing hats and sunglasses, and seeking shade during the hours when the sun's rays are the strongest. An easy way to block harmful rays is to invest in UPF-rated clothing. You could also use a large patio umbrella to create shade if your property is short on trees.
No matter what this summer brings, with the above tips, you'll be prepared for even the hottest days. Before you know it, it will be time for back-to-school shopping. These long, hot days will be nearly forgotten in a flurry of sweaters and scarves.

5 All Natural Cleaning Products You Might Already Have at Home!

Cleaning Products

As consumers become more aware of the hazards of commercial cleaners and household chemicals, it is no wonder that they are turning to natural products. Unfortunately, many natural products sold in grocery or convenience stores are expensive. Fortunately, there is no need to spend a ridiculous amount of money for a healthy and safe household cleaner because you can make them at home with five ingredients you likely have in your pantry.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the most versatile items in your kitchen, while it is excellent for cooking, it is especially useful for creating cleaning solutions. For example, in its purest form, you can pour white vinegar into an empty washing machine and run it for a cycle to clean it. You can also create a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water to run it through and clean your coffee maker. You can also use diluted vinegar to remove and blot clean carpet stains.

Baking Soda

2. Baking Soda

Another versatile kitchen product is baking soda. While this is an essential baking ingredient, it also has several cleaning properties. Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber. You can place a cup of this great ingredient in your microwave to remove leftover odors. You can also mix it with lemon juice to help remove gunk from your garbage disposal by incorporating it into a paste and leaving it to sit for five minutes.


3. Lemon

Lemon isn't just for adding a little zing to drinks or food; it is also a capable all-purpose cleaner. However, to make an effective cleaner, you will want to mix a fresh lemon with baking soda and vinegar. Get all the juice from a lemon and mix it with vinegar and baking soda in a 4 cup bucket. You can drop the rind in the mix to help further infuse the blend. Then, stir in hot water to dilute the vinegar and dissolve the baking soda. Once you have an even consistency, leave the mix to cool before using it.

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4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be used in a couple of different ways. First, you can use the spice to make a natural deodorizer. Place cinnamon sticks out around your house and enjoy the natural scent. You can also make a cinnamon orange mix for an all-purpose cleaner. By mixing cinnamon, orange peels and distilled white vinegar, you create a natural antimicrobial cleaner for your house.

Olive Oil

5. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an excellent all-natural furniture polish, but you do not want to use it alone. To make a natural furniture polish at home, mix up a 2:1 batch of regular olive oil and lemon juice. When applying the polish to your furniture with a lint-free cloth, you can also add essential oil to provide a more pleasant scent. Make sure you do not use virgin olive oil.

People are becoming more aware of the benefits of using natural products to create a healthy home environment. However, why stop with cleaning products. Creating a healthy lifestyle also comes down to diet and exercise. Consider checking out more of the Calorie Myths to discover health and happiness.

Getting a Healthy Summer Tan

Woman on Beach

The summer is here, and outdoor activities will be the safest option for entertainment this year because of the need for social distancing. One thing that never changes with outdoor fun is the desire or need for a healthy tan. Unfortunately, too many people do not tan safely, which can increase the risks of early aging and skin cancer. If you want to enjoy the serotonin boost and benefit of additional vitamin D, then make sure you are tanning correctly and safely with these five tips.

1. Avoid Sunbeds

While many salons and healthy tanning spas claim that the use of sunbeds is safer than outdoor tanning, they do not explain that sunbeds offer the wrong UV for your healthy tan. UVB is the UV that outdoor tanning exposes you to, and it benefits the production of vitamin D. Tanning beds provide massive amounts of UVA, which does not stimulate vitamin production and can increase your skin cancer risk by nearly 75%.

Woman in Bikini

2. Adhere To Tanning Times

Did you know that your skin can reach a point where it is no longer physically possible to produce more melanin, which is the pigment necessary for your tan? While you may think placing two cucumbers over your eyes and lounging by the pool for an all-day tanning session will speed up your tanning process, it will not. Most people reach maximum melanin production within two to three hours, which means staying poolside any longer than that is mostly pointless for tan production.

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3. Reduce UV Intensity

When stretched out trying to tan, make sure you take several breaks. While you may have two to three hours of tanning planned, you should not do it in one lengthy session. Finding time to cool off in the shade is necessary to reduce the risk of sunburn. Also, taking frequent shade sessions will help create a healthier and long-lasting tan for the summer. Shade breaks are beneficial because they reduce the UV intensity you experience during your tanning time.

4. Apply Sunscreen

Most people will go for a bottle of SPF-something for a sunscreen. While you want to find an SPF product, it is also necessary to find one with the right levels of protection. You should search for a bottle with the phrase ‘broad-spectrum’ on the bottle or the word high with the UVA logo. Most people will enjoy an SPF30 product over higher ranges, like SPF50. The higher numbers can feel chalkier, and people are often less inclined to put them on every two hours as instructed. You should also consider skin tone. While most organizations recommend SPF30, people with darker complexions may only need SPF15.


5. Focus On Diet

Lycopene is the body’s form of self-SPF protection. Eating foods rich in specific types of antioxidants, like polyphenols, can boost the body’s lycopene protection by up to 33%. Most red or orange fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, contain the antioxidant necessary for the increased production and protection. You can also help speed up your tan by taking a daily beta-caretone supplement of 25g.

A healthy summer tan can help you reduce sunburn and look great. If you want other healthy living tips, check out other posts on The Calorie Myths.

6 Veggies You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps

Onion growing in water

Don't throw out those peels, cores and cuttings after you make a delish veggie dish. Get one step closer to a sustainable lifestyle, learn to garden and boost your fresh produce intake by growing those scraps into new, edible plants—without spending a dime. Sounds like a win-win! These are my six favorite vegetables to regrow from kitchen cuttings.

Green onions

Green Onions

These pungent green stalks make a tasty addition to soups, salads and dips. Next time you buy green onions at the grocery store, cut off the white end. Plant this piece, which should be about 1 inch long, in a small pot filled with good soil. Make sure you put the side of the onion about 1/2-inch deep with the tiny roots facing downward. Keep the pot in the sun and give it plenty of water. Within just a week or two, you'll be able to snip off the new green growth, wash the onions, chop and enjoy! You can also try this method to regrow lemongrass, fennel and leeks. Because it's so simple, this is a great project for beginning gardeners as well as little ones.

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Next time you have a salad, place extra lettuce leaves in a large bowl with a small amount of water. Put the bowl in the sun and moisten the leaves once or twice a week. You'll start to see new roots and leaves grow within a few days. Transfer the roots into soil, either in the ground or in a pot, to grow a brand-new head of lettuce. This technique also works wonders for cabbage and bok choy. Even if you don't transplant the lettuce leaves, you can still dine on the new growth and save some money at the grocery store.


Bulb Onions

To regrow onions, cut off a 1-inch-thick piece of the root base. Plant it directly in potting soil, either in a container or in the ground outdoors. Keep the top of the onion scrap exposed to the light and keep the soil moist. You'll have a new onion in about three to four months, or you can trim and use the greens that emerge.



Chop 2 inches off the base of your celery. Place this portion in a bowl filled with water. Moisten the top of the celery with a spray bottle every day and switch out the water every few days. Once you notice new roots emerge, you can transplant the celery into the ground. The process usually takes five to seven days from cutting to potting.



It couldn't be easier to regrow garlic. Next time you buy a bulb, remove a few cloves to plant in the garden or in a pot. Place the cloves 4 to 6 inches apart with the pointy side up. If you plant your garlic in a container, you can harvest garlic greens all year long. These tasty treats can be used in any recipe as a substitute for green onions. If you plant the garlic outdoors, do so in early fall before frost occurs in your area. The following fall, you'll be able to harvest fresh garlic bulbs.


Basil and Cilantro

Fresh herbs are expensive when you buy them at the grocery store. Next time you purchase these pricey plants, remove the stems and bottom leaves. Place them in a cup of warm water with the cut side facing down and place it in the sun. When you notice roots growing, you can transfer your basil or cilantro to the garden or a pot to get the full benefit of these culinary delights.

These six selections are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to regrowing your garden scraps. Once you get in the groove, there's no end to the ways you can limit your waste and get creative with veggies.

The Secret Reasons Why Brushing Your Teeth Is so Important

Two Toothbrushes

Your mother always told you to brush your teeth before going to bed, and you mostly always listened, right? If you've ever fallen asleep without brushing, you know how icky your mouth feels in the morning. Yuck. However, studies have shown that the benefits of brushing your teeth go far beyond giving you fresh breath and adding a sparkle to your pearly whites. In fact, skipping your twice-daily toothbrushing ritual can have a negative impact on your overall health.

Couple brushing teeth

Healthy Gums, Healthy Heart

Who knew that keeping your gums healthy could also help protect your heart? Research has shown that people with gum disease are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those with healthy gums. So be sure to brush at least twice per day and floss once per day, every day. Preventive dental care is another critical step in addressing possible gum disease. Your dentist can do a deep clean to get rid of any problem-causing bacteria that has gotten trapped below the gum line, but to catch this condition early, you'll want to stay on top of your twice-yearly cleanings.

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Clean Mouth, Sharp Mind

A study published in 2012 showed a link between good oral hygiene habits and lower rates of dementia. It followed more than 5,400 older adults for 18 years. The individuals in the study who did not brush their teeth every day had a significantly higher risk of dementia over the course of the study than those who brushed three times per day. So do whatever it takes to remember to brush and floss daily! Write yourself a note if you have to, or set a reminder on your phone.


More Scientifically Proven Reasons To Keep Your Teeth Clean

Healthy teeth and gums have also been linked with lower rates of diabetes, preterm births, and kidney disease. It turns out that the eyes are the window to the soul, but the mouth is the doorway to the body. When you regularly remove harmful bacteria from your mouth by brushing your teeth, you lower the risk that such bacteria will travel through your body and contribute to various preventable health conditions.


Bonus Benefits of Having a Clean Mouth

There are, of course, a lot of social benefits to having good oral hygiene. For example, you won't worry about people running the other way when you try to talk to them, because your breath will be pleasant and fresh. You will also have the confidence that goes along with having a bright, white smile. Also, when you keep your teeth healthy, you keep your teeth! Having a full set of teeth makes it easier to chew and speak clearly, both of which will help keep you comfortable both physically and socially.

If you haven't taken very good care of your teeth up till now, it's not too late to start! Even if you have already lost some or all of your teeth, keeping your mouth and gums clean is vital to your overall health. Get into the habit of brushing and flossing every day, and consult your dentist about what your next steps should be. This is one simple habit that can make a world of difference far into the future.

The Pros and Cons of Fasting


Some people swear by the benefits of fasting on a regular basis. But what is it about this controversial practice that is so appealing to the masses? Is it really as beneficial as people claim? If you’ve considered fasting for health, weight loss or spirituality, here are some of the pros and cons you should know about the trending practice.

Empty Plate

Understanding Fasting

Fasting is the process of abstaining from all food or certain food categories for a period of time. Some types of fasting also involve abstaining from liquids. It’s important to distinguish that there is a difference between fasting and starving. Fasting is the act of deliberately not eating any food, while starving is not done by choice (except in the case of serious eating disorders).

Many health and medical professionals claim that fasting is beneficial to human health, while others claim it is not. To form your own conclusion, it’s important to look at the existing evidence regarding fasting. Once you have sufficient information about the benefits and drawbacks of the popular practice, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

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Benefits of Fasting

There are many potential benefits to fasting, and some of them are backed by science. Here are a few of the reasons why people choose to fast.

  • Potential to lose weight without counting calories
  • May help control glucose levels
  • Unrestricted dietary choices during eating windows

There is also some evidence that fasting may boost longevity and provide other health benefits. Of course, in order to experience the full benefits of fasting, it’s important to stick to a healthy diet. It’s also important to pay attention to how your body feels when fasting and make sure you don’t go without food for too long.

Woman's Midsection

Drawbacks of Fasting

While some people respond quite well to fasting, others do not. This suggests that the practice may not be appropriate for everyone. Here are a few of the drawbacks associated with intentionally going without food for periods of time.

  • Low energy on fasting days
  • May cause severe hunger and lead to overeating
  • May reduce physical activity

For people with certain health conditions or who are taking medications, fasting may be dangerous. Some medications specifically state that they should be taken with food to alleviate side effects.
In addition to these challenges, it’s easy for people who fast regularly to suffer from nutrient deficiencies. This is because on the days they do eat, they still eat too little nutrient rich food for their daily nutritional needs.  Some people also use fasting as a method to allow them to eat unhealthy food when they return to eating in an effort to balance out calories. If you want to try fasting, make sure that you're getting lots of healthy, nutrient rich foods on the days that you are eating to avoid these common problems.

Salad Bowl

Different Types of Fasts

There are many different types of fasts, including extended fasts that last multiple days, and short fasts that last longer than one full day. Here are some of the different types of fasts people engage in.

  • Intermittent fasting: This type of fast involves abstaining from food for at least 12 hours every day. It’s arguably the most popular type of fasting right now, and purports to help the body turn on its fat-burning mechanisms.
  • Religious fasting: Many people fast for religious or spiritual purposes. Usually, this type of fasting involves abstaining from both food and water for a short period of time (between six and 24 hours in most case).
  • Long-Term fasting: Also known as extended fasting, long-term fasts are more controversial than most. They involve abstaining from all foods or certain foods for more than 24 hours.

Intermittent fasting is usually the best choice for beginners because it is easier to stick with. It’s also safer than extended fasting. If you want to experience some of the benefits of fasting for yourself, check with your doctor and give intermittent fasting a try.

This Is What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

Woman on dock

Taking the time to listen to your body can have an amazing effect on your well-being, happiness and health. What is your body trying to tell you?

“I’m Thirsty”

One of the most common complaints our bodies have is that they’re not getting enough water. According to one survey, almost 80% of people admitted they don’t drink sufficient water. Your body relies on this precious liquid to transport nutrients and help you stay energized. How can you tell if you’re dehydrated?
For one thing, you’ll feel thirsty a lot. However, quenching your thirst isn’t enough; you need at least eight glasses of water a day. Dry or red skin means you probably need to drink more water. Other dehydration warning signs include muscle cramps, headaches and sugar cravings. Instead of chocolate, what your body wants is water!

Woman Drinking Water

“I’m Literally Exhausted”

As a mom and a writer, I know that life isn’t always easy to balance. I often have to push myself to get everything done. But sometimes, my body needs caring for, too. How can you tell the difference between regular tiredness and actual exhaustion?

  • Your lips are dry and cracked
  • Sadness, depression and anxiety won’t go away
  • Irritable doesn’t even begin to describe your emotions
  • You can’t concentrate at all
  • You’ve gone way beyond feeling stressed
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Your gas tank isn’t just out of gas, it’s been running on fumes for a while now. Please, listen to your body. Recharge your batteries. Make an appointment at the spa, pamper yourself (or better yet, make him pamper you) or enjoy a night out with the girls. Rest is vital for your mental, emotional and physical health.

Woman sleeping on desk

“Something Is Seriously Wrong”

If you’re normally a person who loves staying active, pain is really frustrating. As we age, it’s normal for all of us to have some aches in the morning, but we don’t let that stop us. What are the warning signs that pain is from something more serious?

  • Persistent pain: If pain lasts more than two or three days, you may have injured muscles or tendons.
  • Sharp or intense pain: If the pain appears suddenly, or is so intense that it’s hard to move, it’s not just soreness from a workout.
  • Trouble using the muscle: Injuries to the muscles, tendons or joints of your arm can make it difficult to grasp objects or lift things.
Woman with back pain

With this kind of pain, ignoring it or pushing on won’t make it go away. You need to help your tissues heal, sometimes by seeing a doctor. Above all, your body wants you to take things easy. Resting when you need to actually helps you get back to your normal routine faster. If you push yourself and make injuries worse, recovery takes longer.

Your brain may be calling the shots, but your body isn’t just a mindless machine. Mind and body are more like partners working together to make your life as great as possible. Always listen to your body!

Best Light Therapy Skin Treatments by Price

Woman at Spa

Did you know light is useful for much more than seeing in the dark? The power of light can be harnessed to relieve pain and help the body heal. In addition to treating different types of physical ailments such as sports injuries, back pain and arthritis, light can also be used to heal and improve the skin.

If you’re interested in improving your skin with light, there are a few things you should know beforehand. First, there are many different types of light therapy, and they aren’t all appropriate for every situation. Second, light therapy treatments can vary significantly by price. So if you’re on a budget like I am, you should know about the cost differences between treatments. Here’s what I learned about the top light therapy skin treatments and their different price points.

Skin treatment equipment

LED Light Therapy

LED light therapy is very popular. The technology was first used by NASA to experiment on plants during shuttle mission. Later, researchers discovered that the technology showed evidence of healing wounds.
Today, cosmetologists use LED light therapy to slow down the aging process. There is some evidence that the lights can help the skin regenerate itself. The therapy is also used to treat acne and minimize wrinkles.

Unlike other light therapy types, LED light therapy does not expose the skin to ultraviolet rays. That’s great news if you’re worried about skin cancer. However, you shouldn’t receive this type of therapy if you take Accutane or if you have a problem with recurring skin rashes.
One LED light therapy session typically costs anywhere between $25 and $85. It’s one of the more affordable light treatments. Most experts recommend that you receive one treatment per week for up to 4 weeks. If you purchase an LED light kit for at-home use, it can cost up to $250 or more.

Woman Looking in mirror

IPL Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is frequently used to treat unwanted hair, wrinkles and age spots. IPL can also treat varicose veins and broken blood vessels. This treatment is similar to laser treatment in some ways, but it differs in others. One of the major differences between laser treatment and IPL is that IPL utilizes many different wavelengths of light, while laser therapy only uses one wavelength.

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IPL has the ability to reach the second layer of your skin while leaving the outer layer unscathed. This helps prevent unwanted damage to the most visible layer of your skin. You should avoid tanning beds, chemical peels, direct sunlight and collagen injections at least two weeks prior to your IPL appointment.
The cost of IPL depends on the size of the treatment area, but typically ranges between $700 and $1,200. Most health insurance plans won’t cover the cost because it’s considered a cosmetic procedure.

Woman getting skin treatment

Choose Your Treatment

Now that you know a little bit about light therapy and how it can help you fight premature aging, wrinkles and other skin conditions, what treatment option would you choose? LED light therapy works well and seems to be the most affordable option for most people, but PDT and IPL treatments may be best for your complicated or serious skincare needs.